Looking for motivating friends

Hi I am a 44 year old happily married British guy living in Hong Kong.

Being very tall at 6ft 5 I get away with my weight as in my suit I don't look to bad, however I know that I need to go from 108 KG to 90 KG to start with,

Starting to play tennis and basketball again - but could always appreciate friends who can keep me motivated. I haven't been 90 KG for over 20 years and I am determined to finally do it.

Loving the iPhone app!

Get in touch..



  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    Hello Welcome to MFP! This is a great site with lots of supportive people. I have been using this site for about 4 months and it's been amazing. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!!!
  • amfeierabend74
    You found a wonderful supportive place! Welcome and best of luck!!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish!
  • victoria543
    victoria543 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi M welcome to MFP, the site is really friendly lots of people to spur you on i'm from the UK as well and trying to get back to something like my old weight and shape (pre-kids) feel free to add me to help keep you motivated you sound like your already on the right track doing some sports !! weldone :smile:
  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi - i have been on here for about amonth and love it - my hubby is on here too and would love more guy friends - he is Trekker007 if you want to send him a friend request :smile:
  • KelCanDoThis
    KelCanDoThis Posts: 83 Member
    Hey another English MFP follower here. Welcome and this is where your life changing journey begins.

    It's a brilliant site and app. I have made some amazing friends who have helped me and supported me. Not everyday has been a breeze, and if you ever have them days, talk to people.

    We are all in the same boat, good luck and welcome

    Surrey UK
  • BeechHK
    Thank you - I am amazed at how many people have replied. Definitely great motivation!
  • BeechHK
    Thanks - it does seem to be a great place - can't believe how many people have responded!
  • danstewart1978
    danstewart1978 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm a newbie looking for new pals too - any hints/tips/encouragement gladly received! Good luck! Let me know if i can help!

    I love my squash and 5-aside footie so I'll be hitting that hard...

    you'll probably squirm when I say this but i had to recouperate from knee surgery and wasnt able to play squash at that time - the weather was awful so I ended up playing indoor (short) tennis - really did the trick in getting me moving again!!!
