Starting over starting today.....

I thought now was as good a day as any to get started again. I know there's no way I'll lose what I want by Christmas but at least I'm trying again - right ?.


  • shaynes14
    shaynes14 Posts: 106 Member
    You might not lose all you want, but you will be well on your way. You will enjoy the holidays thankful that you have already started!
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I thought now was as good a day as any to get started again. I know there's no way I'll lose what I want by Christmas but at least I'm trying again - right ?.
    What's important is that you identified a problem and came up with a solution. You can do this!!
  • jonnyk110
    jonnyk110 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm starting over today, too...fell off the wagon due to some minor knee injuries (couldn't run) and lack of motivation....
  • cconant2490
    That's right. I stopped using MFP and didn't lose anything but just fluctuated by a few pounds. I'm back at it this week. I need motivation!
  • goody112
    goody112 Posts: 3 Member
    I just started, again, yesterday. I know how it feels. I'm trying to be satisfied with 1lb a week this time so maybe i'll stick with it. Wish me luck.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    unrealistic goals will lead to defeat. count how many weeks there are from here to christmas, which is nine. your goal should be to lose anywhere from 9 to 14 pounds by then. set 14 pounds as your goal, and know that if you get to 9 or higher, you've done very very good. setting a goal for any higher then that is self-sabatoge and a recipie for defeat.

    you must be dedicated about logging your food, disciplined with portions, and motivated to exercise. this will not be easy, but fitting into that beautiful dress on christmas eve will feel great.
  • bballmom67
    I am finally getting serious today too! I have been going up and down the same 3 pounds for way too long. Time to get to work!!! Glad to see others starting today too!