I've come to a halt

Hi, thanks for reading..

well i have done pretty well since I've started on MFP but now the weight loss is pretty much stopped.. i went from losing approx 2lbs every week to now this week I haven't lost a thing, last week was only 1lb and the week before nothing again..

Its getting frustrating as I'm being just as good as before.. any tips?

Are there certain foods that kick start it all again.. or certain techniques?

I do Zumba and eat back my calories I burn so I know i'm not undereating.. I've been doing everything by the book which was working perfectly for approx 2 months but now has stopped.. which means my motivation has also stopped.. help please?

Also friend requests would be nice if you would like some support.

Thanks Guys!!


  • debbinks
    I am stuck also:(
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    have you been given any advice?
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    I found that when I stopped losing and had a couple of treaty days as a result lol that when I got back into it again it started back up. It was almost like getting my body used to more calories for a few days and then cutting back again started up like it was new.
    Hope this helps :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The body gets used to a routine pretty quick, so you need to mix it up a bit, do a new class or find a new routine at the gym. add some strength training if you dont already do it.

    and be patient. 1lb per week is a GOOD loss. as you get closer to your goal you lose a lot more slowly, so you shouldnt expect 2lbs per week for ever!

    Hope that helps!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    quite frankly, it seems normal. you lost quickly in the beginning due to the shock to your body and the lose of water weight. a big change in eating habits will do that. but your body has adjusted, and is now becoming more efficient.

    you need to change things up. if you keep going to the same work out class all the time and doing the same exercises, your body will adjust, devlop muscle memory of sorts, and not stress itself too much. try doing two classes in a row, or going on different days, or new classes.

    also, eating habits may have to change. we are all creatures of habit, and tend to eat the same or similar things. try protein fruit smoothies, or some other new meals. also, maybe try eating a nice breakfast in the morning, or having a bunch of little meals throuout the day.
  • cconant2490
    It is frustrating to come to a halt. I've read that when that happens, change your exercise program to something different.
  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    same here i havent lost any for a month :-(
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Years ago in WW, I heard when you reach a plateau, eat a cheeseburger. I think the principle is the same as someone wrote...to mix it up calorie-wise. Your body doesn't want to lose anything more. Maybe it's a new setpoint for your weight. It might also mean that you need to increase slightly protein or something else, even for a day or two.

    It's worked for me...but it's a one day thing, not something I do often. Also, congratulations on keeping your weight off. Sometimes when you hit a plateau, you're thinking you should keep losing at the same rate. So, you don't give yourself the credit for losing the initial weight. Great job!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    same here i havent lost any for a month :-(

    you've lost 23 pounds already. obviously you know how and that you can lose weight. have you reset your diary and fitness profile to reflect your new weight? that will adjust your calories down.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    hey guys thanks for the advice, i think i'm going to combine a bit of everything.. i'm thinking have a binge day and then work out loads to get it all off.. therefore keeping my body guessing?

    Am i right?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    hey guys thanks for the advice, i think i'm going to combine a bit of everything.. i'm thinking have a binge day and then work out loads to get it all off.. therefore keeping my body guessing?

    Am i right?

    hmmm, i'm cautious of anyone planning a binge or treat day. for my it implies a complete loss of control and disregard for any progress already made. having a spike day, where you can still consume a lot of food and make good choices, is fine. just don't go out and order two double bacon cheese burgers and a whole peperroni pizza and a 12 pack of beer.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    hey guys thanks for the advice, i think i'm going to combine a bit of everything.. i'm thinking have a binge day and then work out loads to get it all off.. therefore keeping my body guessing?

    Am i right?

    hmmm, i'm cautious of anyone planning a binge or treat day. for my it implies a complete loss of control and disregard for any progress already made. having a spike day, where you can still consume a lot of food and make good choices, is fine. just don't go out and order two double bacon cheese burgers and a whole peperroni pizza and a 12 pack of beer.

    oh no.. when i say binge i mean just eat loads of calories, i still want to end up below my sugar/fat limitations. i'm thinking high calorie good food :)
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Me too-recently stalled. Just started doing strength training 3 days per week about a week and a half ago. Is this why? I understand that you don't gain tons of muscle. Just wondering if it causes a stall in weight loss temporarily and then it starts coming off again. Nothing else changed but that. Ugh. I feel your pain. It's a journey-just gets irritating trying to keep your spirits up when things seem to start going wrong.