any one on 1200 cals, meal ideas

hi, im really interested in what all of you eat on a typical day for 1200 cals??? getting bored with my food choices? xx


  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    Breakfast: 1 cup kashi go lean original + 1/2 c silk vanilla light soymilk, varying fruit: 175-275 cals & super filling.
    Lunch: Luna bar (180 cals) + fruit, or greek yogurt with a little bit of cereal for crunch! (180 ish cals)
    Dinner: a big salad (with shredded carrots, broccoli, egg whites, tomatoes, tofu, chickpeas), and some grilled/baked chicken, with a piece of fruit or cookie for dessert.
    Snacks: piece of chocolate, granola bars, 100 cal packs if you're into that sort of thing, etc.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I love the website for recipes. They also have 28 day meal plans for 1200, 1500, and 1800 calories. It may give you some good meal ideas to change up your routine:
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181

    White tuna (or chicken) and salad
    (I make this the night before so the flavors come out)

    1 can of white tuna in water drained
    (seasonings are to taste, it took me a few attempts to find my preferred balance)
    Dash or two of fresh ground pepper
    pinch of dried chilli flakes
    dash of celery seeds
    dried sun dried tomatos or salt free club house chicken spices
    fresh celery
    1/2 tsp onion powder or fresh onion minced 1 0r 2 tblsp
    dash of garlic powder or 1/2 clove minced
    2 tblsp of miracle whip regular (be careful diet versions have more salt and sugar, for the amount your using the regular is fine)
    * Mix well and devide in half then refridgerate

    Prepare a salad with low cal veggies like cucumber, romaine lettuce, a few cherry tomatoes cut in half and red or orange peppers(make it colourful!!) radish sometimes adds a nice zip. and fresh mushrooms

    Put the lettuce on a plate and top with the tuna mix, no salad dressing necessary!

    diced raw zuchinni is a very low cal substitute and a good filler, try it in a salad instead of lettuce for a change.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    porridge for breakfast
    eggs for lunch either as an omelette or scrambled with something.
    salad, or jacket potato for dinner with prawns

    My diet is based on jacket potatoes and new potatoes instead of chips, eggs for protein to keeop me filling full and oatmeal or weetabix in the morning for fibre.

    Mix it up with turket meat, hummous, extra light philidelphia, salmon, prawns, spinach pasta, brown rice, cous cous and courgettes.

    I get excited about food and wondering what I'm going to make next!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    B - w/m toast w/ dairylea and ham

    L - omelette with spinach, onion, cheese

    D - baked pork or chicken or fish w/ steamed vegetables
    ice cream and fruit

    snacks - yogurt. half banana, 100 cal snack etc
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i have a protein shake for breakfast, then go workout, then have a big meal, eggs, toast, bacon then for lunch i have a protein bar cause I'm really not hungry, then ill have snackies throughout the afternoon maybe an apple or something but i don't have a problem with hunger
    i usually have 500+ cals for dinner so i have a little more options there
    i like having a routine with my food and i don't mind the repetition but i know a lot of people need variety
  • clares06
    clares06 Posts: 71 Member
    thanks for all the ideas , thats great guysxx
  • jstar0421
    I just try to do a lot of different things with chicken :) Let me know if you want some recipes!
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    Porridge made with water or weetabix made with water for brekkie.

    Ommelette or cupasoup and crackerbreads for lunch.

    Curry, chilli, etc for tea.

    Snacks of fruit of yogurt.

    Water to drink and 3 cups of tea/coffee.
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    check my diary i have loads of different stuff on there xx
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Omlettes are good, and i ate a lot of soup & salad when i was on 1200 cals!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Müsli for breakfast.
    Chopped salad with tuna for lunch.
    Fruit as a snack.
    Sometimes a little wine with friends.
    Chicken/turkey/White fish roast/grilled with veggies and a small side of quinoa/bulgur
    Fruit/yoghurt/tin of sardines to use up calories at the end of the day

    Sometimes if I feel like stuffing my face but don't want to ruin my day, I'll get a big pot and add onion, tinned tomatoes, chopped carrots, courgette and any other veggies I have lying around into it and let it simmer. Herbs and spices make it interesting, throwing rice or quinoa in there makes it more filling. I can make a whole pot for the calorie allowance of 1 meal and get to go back for seconds, thirds, fourths etc guilt free (and it helPs you get your veggies)