Who's legs are these?!

Last night I was shaving my legs and I got above the knee and was amazed at what I saw. My upper leg (and lower) was amazingly defined. I stared at it for at least a minute and thought, "wow, that is a hot leg". I've always had 'nice' legs but last night I realized that during my transformation that I was focusing so much on my belly that I was hardly noticing other areas and giving them credit.

What was your, "wow" moment?


  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    HA !! i kinda did the same thing..i was sitting on a chair, and looked down, and thought "damn, my legs look skinny compared to before" :wink: but my wow moment was looking in the mirror and actually being pleased with how i look all around..this whole process is just a series of wow moments tho, so its hard to pick one
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    my wow moment was the other day when I took a pic with my son and didnt have a double chin and I wasnt even sucking in or angling my face to make it look thinner (my profile pic ) yay for hot legs and one chin! lol
  • KV47374
    KV47374 Posts: 8 Member
    lol...I was taking a shower and I was washing around my waist...and I felt my actual bone around my waist area...I had to stop for a minute...since I don't even remember the last time I could do that! I was like...wow, I don't know if this is cool or creepy :)....and then when my husband commented later that evening about how small my waist was getting...I decided it was cool!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    Yay for legs!!!