those that like to sabotage others



  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I have never heard any of those things because I am not friends with as*holes.

    Yes you are. You're friends with me!

    Though, as an *kitten* elitist, I would never make such comments. I'm better than that.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm rather gluttonous in social situations, so no one ever accuses me of an eating disorder or not being able to eat what I want.

    Somehow "you're not eating enough!" doesn't carry much weight (pun intended) when I'm going for my second serving of cake. I also try not to talk calories or weight loss unless someone asks what I'm doing. Except for, you know... blogging about it and posting my links to facebook. :blushing:

    But I think sometimes, it's not so much sabotage as people being defensive of their own habits.
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    I took a class in college that said people around you are like crabs.... meaning if you put crabs in a tank you never have to put a lid on it, because they will not be able to climb out, instead of working together they pull each other down, and climb over them, and the others pull that one down, so none of them ever get out of the tank. As you lose weight people around you tend to sabotage you, without meaning too....because they don't want to be "left out" they want you to stay in their "comfort zone" so to speak...Do what you have to, to make you happy...this is your journey... :flowerforyou:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I have never heard any of those things because I am not friends with as*holes.

    Yes you are. You're friends with me!

    Though, as an *kitten* elitist, I would never make such comments. I'm better than that.

  • coqui2010
    coqui2010 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes this happens to me too. At work my co-worker brings me things that are not healthy and I feel bad saying no but she knows I'm watching what I eat. She'll say things like "I know you are trying to watch what you eat, but" I don't fully understand why people like to be this way. I really find it frustrating; I don't want to have a constant conversation about why I've decided to be healthy this is a personal choice. It's also obviously hard to make better choices so when you hear this from people you see everyday it is very exhausting. I would just continue to do what you are doing and if it persists then talk to them about it; they may not realize they are making it harder on you.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Most of my weight loss came from kickboxing... 225lbs down to about 190 in about 5 or 6mos. Interestingly enough, I gained a bunch of the usual positive martial arts side-effects as well (confidence, respectful behavior, etc...).

    So anyway, the Mayor of the city that I used to work for manages to ignore my positive changes and tells a bunch of other City employees that he thinks my hobby (aka, my weigh-loss plan, my fitness plan, my positive self-image plan...) is unprofessional.


    So yeah, there are saboteurs out there. Sometimes they're even people that are supposed to be leaders and have strong character who just can't accept that your plan to better yourself doesn't match up with their little pre-defined notion of how things should be. Don't ignore what they have to say unless it's someone who is supposed to be a real part of your life... if a spouse or partner or someone who should be supporting you is making these comments, it's time to re-evaluate that relationship and maybe have a talk.

    BTW, Mr. Mayor's company went bankrupt and he had an affair with a woman on the Park Commission. Real "professional." Thank goodness he wasn't doing anything really unprofessional like kickboxing to lose weight.
  • laylina
    laylina Posts: 50
    I'm lucky that i carry most of my extra weight evenly, so people are always asking me. why are you on a diet? you don't look like you need to lose weight, you shouldn't do this to yourself... Do what? get healthy? listen to my Doctor? its just frustrating because im only 5'2 so people don't see it as much i just look "a little chubby" well i have 32% body fat and most is the scary killer around your organs kind. my BMI is in the over weight range!! So NO im not trying to look like a size 0 model :noway: I Dont have a body image disorder. Im doing this to get healthy and my doctor told me to!! maybe on my next check in with him i should ask for a note :laugh: wow that kinda dragged on lol sorry... so anyways....anyone else have this issue?
    I have a grandma that doesn't think I need to lose weight and continuously pushes food I shouldn't eat or more food than I should eat. All the time telling me that I need to put meat on my bones.

    I have a coworker that constantly buys me "treats" she knows I like saying "You walked today, so you can afford it". I walked to lose weight, not to eat sugar.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    One of my coworkers commented that he knows Im doing more then walking to lose weight. Guess he thinks there is some majic pill or something. The thing is he knows I have been walking M-F . I hate when people try to discredit my hard work.

    He also tried to figure out my current size . He said you look good in those size 8's.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member

    they'll order things for the whole office after you tell them you don't want to order from the very place they order from.

  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I think you are reading WAY too into things.
    Honestly I think this is sometimes true.
    Sometimes reading message board complaints about the things people say, I wonder if people want everyone to have taped shut mouths, and say nothing, ever. LOL A lot of this is just conversation, even if it might annoy.

    I try not to take things as insults unless they're really bad, or meant that way. :) I think SOME of these examples are just people meaning to compliment, so say 'thanks,' and go on to a great day with your hot self! Others are envious (which is fine-- why shouldn't they be envious that you got it together to get yourself healthy? Yay!). The exchange about "oh, I don't want to do THAT" I think is hilarious. I can't think of a single complaint with that-- if I had that conversation with someone, I'd laugh, then go on with my day.
    I've never been accused of being too sensitive, though! So maybe I'm just being heartless.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I think you are reading WAY too into things.
    Honestly I think this is sometimes true.
    Sometimes reading message board complaints about the things people say, I wonder if people want everyone to have taped shut mouths, and say nothing, ever. LOL A lot of this is just conversation, even if it might annoy.

    I try not to take things as insults unless they're really bad, or meant that way. :) I think SOME of these examples are just people meaning to compliment, so say 'thanks,' and go on to a great day with your hot self! Others are envious (which is fine-- why shouldn't they be envious that you got it together to get yourself healthy? Yay!). The exchange about "oh, I don't want to do THAT" I think is hilarious. I can't think of a single complaint with that-- if I had that conversation with someone, I'd laugh, then go on with my day.
    I've never been accused of being too sensitive, though! So maybe I'm just being heartless.
    I'm with this. Also never accused of being too sensitive either.

    People don't know what to say a lot of the time. I give a lot of leeway for that. They want to say "I'm noticing your weight loss is drastic." But it comes out like "beep beep boop boop bop Cheetos barbecue sammies."
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    ha ha ha ha ha hatin hatin