Hi all!

New to MFP and looking to make a change for the better. Hope to blog about my ups and downs along the way!

Goal is to lose 30 lbs by mid March!

There it is... Now in writing for all to see and help me to keep myself accountable for it.


  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    :smile: One of the best motivators is to tell everyone you know just what your plan is.
    Great way to hold yourself accountable!
    Smart thinking - best wishes.
    Feel frre to add me as a friend to encourage and support you along your journey - if you'll do the same for me!
  • jonzey1022
    jonzey1022 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all! I have been exercising since 2004. I use many of the products on the website beachbody. I just ran across this website today! I have no problem working out in the morning, it's a time I have scheduled and I do workout videos so I don't even need to leave home. The problem for me comes with my eating. My hubby and I love to eat out. I have a hard time when eating out making healthy choices, I like to get the cheeseburger etc because I feel like I am treating myself. This past weekend we went out everyday. I found myself eating pizza, cheeseburgers and ice cream. I need to get that under control. I am a member of the beachbody website, but I want to try myfitnesspal because I can be held accountable with my eating. I hope to find some friends along the way that can help me with the eating and being accountable. Right now I am using the program TurboFire. I am into my third week, is there anyone else doing this program? I hope to meet some new friends that have some of the same interests as I do.
  • MrsWagz
    MrsWagz Posts: 41
    Welcome aboard!! Good luck on your journey! I am a fitness coach and motivator if you need help feel free to add me!:wink: