Am I depriving myself from calories? please help. :)

For the past 4 months i have been trying really hard to lose weight but I seem to gain. I'm Female, 5'2, 180lbs. I have cut calories to about 1500 a day. I walk/jog on my treadmill an hour 4 days a week, burning about 700 caloreis based on my heart monitor watch. I also strengh train with my bands about 3-4 days a week. I though it would be muscle but my cloths fit really tight. So I was told that i might be depriving myself from calories. could that be true? should I up my calories? :)


  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    For the past 4 months i have been trying really hard to lose weight but I seem to gain. I'm Female, 5'2, 180lbs. I have cut calories to about 1500 a day. I walk/jog on my treadmill an hour 4 days a week, burning about 700 caloreis based on my heart monitor watch. I also strengh train with my bands about 3-4 days a week. I though it would be muscle but my cloths fit really tight. So I was told that i might be depriving myself from calories. could that be true? should I up my calories? :)

    I believe you are. But I am one who believes in eating back your exercise calories.

    What does MFP give you for your daily cals? Try to get your NET cals to that number, or w/ in a 100-150
  • mama2eight
    mama2eight Posts: 4 Member
    I was going thru the same thing but finally noticed on MFP that when I would click "complete entry" I would get a message stating that I had an intake of too few calories and therefore my metabolism would be slowing down. Even though I work out twice a day and burn an average of 1000 calories altogether, I starting keeping my calories at an even 1200 (or slightly less) and that's when I finally started losing weight.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    I think you probably are, but then again my body is one that needs me to eat back the majority of my exercise calories. My weight loss stops if I'm not eating enough or if I'm not drinking enough water. Both things to consider...
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It's hard, but try to keep your net calories above 1200 every day. Otherwise your body doesn't have enough fuel.
    Great work so far! :D
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It's hard, but try to keep your net calories above 1200 every day. Otherwise your body doesn't have enough fuel.
    Great work so far! :D
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    you gotta INTENSIFY your workouts. DO some sprints instead of jogs or running. sprint 15 seconds walk 30. repeat 10 times. you'll see the weight drop off so fast. drink a TON of water. up to a gallon a day.

    dont do the sprints every day. 10 mins one day. maybe walk and lift weights the next. rotate.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    you gotta INTENSIFY your workouts. DO some sprints instead of jogs or running. sprint 15 seconds walk 30. repeat 10 times. you'll see the weight drop off so fast. drink a TON of water. up to a gallon a day.

    dont do the sprints every day. 10 mins one day. maybe walk and lift weights the next. rotate.

    No you don't.
  • MoniJo82
    MoniJo82 Posts: 16 Member
    Fabulous!!! Thank you guys sooooooo much! Forgot to mention that I feel tired most of the time. So I think I am under the calories I need. My body is on survival mode. Thanks guys I wont give up!