Hey everyone,

I keep going off my diet!! :sad: I've been VERY naughty and need some encouragement! I can encourage you too! LOL :smile:


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Oh no! What is making you fall of the wagon?
  • Olive101109
    The STUPID ice cream, snacks, etc... thanks for asking!
  • Justinbieberfanxoxo
    Just keep trying and u will do it.... plan ur meals... drink lots of water,.......and keep yourself occupied with things to do.... it is said that when you are bored you feel as if you want to eat more..... I know u can do this ...... Just belive in yourself.... =):smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Exactly what sunshine said. Figure out what is causing the problem. Change it. . . :ohwell:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    ahh I LOVE ice cream. Have you ever tried to make your own? I have many healthy recipes!

    Snacks are tough :O I had to just give some of them up because I would fall off the wagon xD Like granola bars! I just can't have them xD
  • Olive101109
    Thanks all!! I'll try burying myself in work (not sarcastically)!!
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    Ask yourself "What do I want to accomplish?"
    Take a moment to think about it. Then, what do you have to do to accomplish this? Is a candy bar worth running for 20 minutes straight over? Nope....

    How long have you been dieting?
  • bmjohnso9192
    I think this happens to everyone! I just try to remind myself of how wonderful it feels to get back on it. I know I feel so much better when I am eating healthy and excercising. To have that control over your decisions is empowering! I also try to pack my lunch everyday, and to plan my meals in advance. This keeps me from straying off the path. Everyone has those days where conveinence is your only option, but try to make the healthiest decisions you can when faced with that, keep fesh fruit and veggies on hand, and for quick meals, Lean Cuisines are the best, even canned soups are amazing! Good luck!
  • Olive101109
    ahh I LOVE ice cream. Have you ever tried to make your own? I have many healthy recipes!

    Snacks are tough :O I had to just give some of them up because I would fall off the wagon xD Like granola bars! I just can't have them xD

    I've tried to make some, but it turned into mush.. it was very sugary... lol

    I have some 140 calorie granola bars! They're yummy AND low-cal!
  • bmjohnso9192
    When grocery shopping, I have to avoid those snack and ice cream isles like the plague! One of my new fav's in homemade sugar fee pudding pops! They are an awesome substitute for ice cream!
  • Olive101109
    Ask yourself "What do I want to accomplish?"
    Take a moment to think about it. Then, what do you have to do to accomplish this? Is a candy bar worth running for 20 minutes straight over? Nope....

    How long have you been dieting?

    I've been dieting for about 1 1/2 months, but I keep getting off track. I'm gonna start walking every day (I'm forced to due to work), so yeah. LOL
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    ahh I LOVE ice cream. Have you ever tried to make your own? I have many healthy recipes!

    Snacks are tough :O I had to just give some of them up because I would fall off the wagon xD Like granola bars! I just can't have them xD

    I've tried to make some, but it turned into mush.. it was very sugary... lol

    I have some 140 calorie granola bars! They're yummy AND low-cal!

    Ah has some great recipes :] Mine have all turned out good so far! Oh and I found "artic zero" ice cream and its 150 cals for the whole pint :D

    See I know they are low cal... but they arent when you eat a whole box in one sitting! Those had to go xD
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Is a candy bar worth running for 20 minutes straight over? Nope....

  • Olive101109
    ahh I LOVE ice cream. Have you ever tried to make your own? I have many healthy recipes!

    Snacks are tough :O I had to just give some of them up because I would fall off the wagon xD Like granola bars! I just can't have them xD

    I've tried to make some, but it turned into mush.. it was very sugary... lol

    I have some 140 calorie granola bars! They're yummy AND low-cal!

    Ah has some great recipes :] Mine have all turned out good so far! Oh and I found "artic zero" ice cream and its 150 cals for the whole pint :D

    See I know they are low cal... but they arent when you eat a whole box in one sitting! Those had to go xD

    Yeah! I only grab 1 and walk AWAY from the box.. IDK how I do it! Then, if I have the urge to eat more, I have some fruit or something. Those Mac Apples are SOO yummy! I'm starting to learn that there's MORE to life than food...
  • happyfitmom
    First, if you don't buy it, you can't eat it. I just keep a white-knuckle grip on the cart when I pass those aisles and then give myself mental high-fives for not buying it. Second, don't focus on the "oopsies." Every single choice can get you closer to your goal. Just cheer the good choices you've made each day. Pretty soon, you'll have even more good choices to cheer. Finally, I use positive and negative associations with food. My pit-fall is chocolate. So, every time I allow myself to have chocolate, I force myself to look at a disgusting picture. After a couple of days, I stopped craving chocolate altogether. When I eat something nutritious and delicious, I pull out pictures of my favorite vacations. I associate the good food with the happy feelings.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Some foods I just don't have any control with!

    Seems like you have some good snacks in there!

    DO you just struggle with portion or bored eating maybe?
  • Olive101109
    Good idea to the don't buy it!!
  • Olive101109
    Some foods I just don't have any control with!

    Seems like you have some good snacks in there!

    DO you just struggle with portion or bored eating maybe?

    Hmm... maybe not boredness, and I eat a lot of pre-portioned meals... but yeah, probably boredness. I don't usually just eat 1 box or bag of anything, but sometimes I have more than I should. I have NEVER eaten a whole pizza, never had a whole box of donuts, never had a full bag of chips, etc...
  • Laineegrrl
    Laineegrrl Posts: 80 Member
    get it out of your house!
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    My best advice: DON'T buy it. That advice about how to shop at a grocery store? So true. Shop the perimeter. Don't go down the isles unless you need to buy condiments or cheese or pasta, tuna, etc. I do not have any "snacks" or processed foods in my house, therefore I am not led by temptation. Do you have cravings? This website looks helpful...