How to log strength training?

I'm wondering how to log my strength training. I was trying to add the sets/reps but many of the exercises are not in the database. I know it's not the same as cardio so I am not relying on the heart rate monitor. Should I just log it as something similar (pilates??) I am doing about 30 mins of ab exercises as well as arm and back stuff with light weights.


  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    You could always put it in the notes section. It doesn't affect your caloric "bank account" on here, so I think that would work well.
  • I put my weight training under strength training in the cardio section....when i just do sit up and push ups, I then put it under calistenics (sp?) doing it that way, i at least get some calories counted!!! :)
  • Jross65
    Jross65 Posts: 38 Member
    You can log it as strength training under cardio and it will add your calories if the helps ya.
  • I wouldn't be too worried about inputting that sort of thing, strength training is my bread n butter as far as training goes and I don't input it.

    It'll be kind of misleading anyway, as in cardio training you'll be burning the calories whilst you're training so therefore you'll create a calorie deficit for that day. Whilst you do still burn calories doing strength training, the majority of it is burnt off whilst your muscles aew repairing themselves over the next 2 days.. so therefore your calorie count for the day won't be entirely accurant anyway - if that makes sense? As in it cannot really be measured anyway?

    Hope that kind of helps without confusing you too much
  • msmileyface
    msmileyface Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the help all!