ONLY 150lbs to loose.....

Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
edited October 4 in Motivation and Support
I have 150lbs to loose and I need to know are there many of you out there that have lost 100lbs or more.
How long did it take and how did you find it. Please answer back. Tks.


  • I have about 100 to lose. Lost 40 with WW over the last year, but am now feeling unmotivated and too busy for any of it. :noway:
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    same here!
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I want to lose about 125 lbs and I have so far lost 28 lbs. I did that in 90 days, however I know that the smaller I get, the less quickly it will come off and I will have to re-evaluate my eating habits along the way. Recently I started craving protein instead of carbs. Everyone tells me that is a good craving. I'm waiting to see, but this is a journey not only for weight loss, but for me to figure out WHY I am overweight, deal with those issues, and move on so that I don't end up here again.

    If it takes me more than a year to get it all off, I'd be happy with that. The faster you lose, the faster it comes back. Time is going to pass anyway, might as well make strides every day to become a better version of yourself.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Yeah, I am up to about 165 lbs lost I started in January of 2011
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Hi.....I've lost 82 and closing in fast on 100. I started with 145 to lose. I actually started my journey in December of 2010 and I did it by SLOWLY cutting out the fatty and processed foods and about a month or so later I started out SLOWLY with exercise. I also set SMALL, REALISTIC goals for myself and NEVER, EVER looked at the BIG picture. I emphasize these things because I've tried to lose weight a bunch of times and never lost more than 20 lbs before I lost my momentum because I was always a black or white type of person.....all or nothing and what I've learned is that we must make lifestyle changes that we can live with for the rest of our lives. And we must set goals that are obtainable over a longer period of time and we must not expect perfection out of ourselves or we will drop the ball. You are going to have bad days but the good one should far outweigh the just get up and keep getting up.....never ever give up because you are so worth the good fight. Friend me if you want but know in advance that I support my friends and I expect the same in return. :flowerforyou:
  • You can do it!! I originally had 119lbs to lose. I have lost 48lbs in 3 months. My weight loss has been slowing down, at first I was dropping about 1lb. a day. now I'm losing on average 2- 2 1/2 lbs a week. The key is having support, watching calorie intake very closely, water, and increasing your protein (on average I eat approx 1200 cal and eat 100 g of protein and eat low carbs). Oh and working out ;) Add me as a friend if you like!
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    So i have a least 100lbs to lose. Been overweight my whole life to some extent and obese for my whole adult life. 285lbs last yeear tried cutting back approach and lost 15lbs at beginging of year. By the end of the year i had gained some back,so ended year with 7lbs lost. This year new i needed to do something, found MFP and started Jan 11 and have lost 71lbs this year ! Eating healthier sometimes and other days not so healthy but always try to not go over calories. Started adding exercise in March regularly, partly for health and partly to get more calories and now i exercise most ever day on stationary bike while i watch tv in the evening. Best success ive had in a lifetime of dieting. At first was hard but now find myself saying i can do this forever!!! Weight came off faster in beginning but now losing more inches than lbs. I have a tentative goal weight that is the high end of a healthy and will see as i get closer. Good luck and i offer any support i can give!


    If it's important to you, you'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse!
    Sweat is fat crying!
  • Yes, I was over 330 some pounds. I'm now 155...still have just a bit more to go but all in all, it took a good 2 years to loose the majority of it. I've kept it off for 9 years now...if you want to talk more let me know
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