
I am perpetually exhausted, and I don't know why. Like eyes crossing head nodding kind of exhausted. This makes it really hard to get the energy to workout, especially after a long day at school. Does anyone else feel tired all the time? How do you deal with it?


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I felt like that for a while, turned out I was anemic. I suggest getting your blood tested.
    Good luck, I hope everything is ok!
  • ginneyrose
    ginneyrose Posts: 15 Member
    I use to be low energy and exhausted all the time. After 12pm the rest of the day I was lagging. I started taking b12 vitamins and eating more balanced meals and seem to have more energy than normal.
  • healthy4self
    I felt like that for a while, turned out I was anemic. I suggest getting your blood tested.
    Good luck, I hope everything is ok!

    I got my blood checked, and I'm not anemic. I am a bit hypoglycemic, but I manage that pretty well. I really want to find a solution!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Did you have your vitamin levels checked? Your thyroid? Assuming we can rule out obvious things like getting enough sleep, being dead-tired all the time is not something you just "deal with". I would be talking to the doctor.
  • healthy4self
    Thanks to all. I have had everything checked, completely normal. It's kind of frustrating
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm in the same boat... I've just about every blood test known to man and it's ALL normal. Yet I remain completely exhausted, even when I'm getting enough sleep. Sigh... Wish I had answers for you!
  • CityOnAHill
    CityOnAHill Posts: 136 Member
    No one has asked the obvious question....are you eating enough?