just starting out... wanna loose the baby weight

Hi, found this site yesterday and thought i'd give it a go. Trying to loose the extra weight i gained during my last two pregnancies ... bubs are only 14months apart... and with two older kids aswell it's hard to find the time to exercise! But I really want to kick this weight and feel happy about myself again as it's affecting all areas of my life!


  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Welcome!!! I'm a work out of home mom of 2 with my youngest being almost 18 months old. I got sick of people asking me if I was expecting again when she was 15 months old and that is when some friends told me about this site!!! We are on the same journey!!! Add me if you want another friend!!
  • Ad_874
    Ad_874 Posts: 19 Member
    Best of luck! I am sure with determination you can reach your goal :)
  • mazarith
    mazarith Posts: 107 Member
    Mine are 14 months apart too! i need to lose this baby weight and need all the support I can get! I dread the day someone asks me when I'm expecting, I try to carry my new one with me so no one will.
  • K_Pow
    K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in a similar situation...I've got an 8 1/2 month old and have lost the majorty of the baby weight but still have some to lose. Any mama's wanna keep in touch please feel free to add me...I just signed up today!