is your Goal Weight the same as Ideal Body Weight???



  • There is no “ideal” body weight you can get from some “calculator”. Only you know what your ideal is.

    If I go by my “ideal” BMI I will have to get back down to my HS football playing weight. Which is total BS. Set your goal where you feel you should be. Once you get there, maybe you will want to adjust it, but for now, don’t worry what some calculator tells you, you should be.

    This. My goal would put my B.M.I. around a 17, but I am a long distance athlete, and they all have small B.M.I.s. What was said before, there is no idea body weight, there is just what makes you feel good about yourself.
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I originally set my goal for 120lbs, since it was right smack in the middle of my healthy range. When I reached 120lbs, I found I still had some fat that I could lose from my belly, so I pushed it down another few pounds. I'd counsel people to just set a goal that seems reasonable, and then when you reach that goal, if it doesn't seem right, adjust it a little. It's hard to guess what your body will look like and how it will make you feel until you get there.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    my goal weight is 132 (I'm 5'7.5") but I am totally open to reassessing when I get close, I like curves, I want to look somewhat soft if that makes any sense not to bony. If I end up at 140 and like the way I look I would stick around there. I think both those figures fall under "normal / healthy" for height and weight and bmi or whatever.
  • According to BMI (Which is really a crock when you think about how it doesn't take muscle or bone mass into account) my ideal weight, in order to not be "overweight" would be for me to be 150lbs. But I have a larger frame anyway, and a larger bone structure. I ideally only want to lose around 30lbs.
    I don't want to get under 200lbs because I think that weight will just look odd on me. I have curves, and I don't want them to go anywhere!
  • My goal weight is 10 lbs from the top of what the BMR scale says it should be but 5 lbs under what my doctor says I should be.
  • Ashtarot
    Ashtarot Posts: 52 Member
    My goal weight is around 145. My ideal body weight is 135. At 135 all my bones are poking out,not attractive to me at all.
    When I get to 150 I will see how I feel and go from there. I am 5' 7"
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    My goal right now is 180, and I think I'd be happy at that weight as I am about 5'9" and also have a sturdy bone structure.
  • trammellsheryl06
    trammellsheryl06 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5' 2 1/2" and striving for my ideal weight of 120. I've only been this weight during stressful moments. My norm has been 126-129.
  • I don't think those ideal body charts are terribly accurate. They don't seem to take into account frame/bone density etc. Ideal weight is so much more personal than that. What I go by, is the weight that my body settles at naturally when I'm eating well, getting a little exercise and happy. My weight is actually below what it should be according to BMI charts by a bit. I think this is because I have small frame (tiny wrists) naturally. For someone else of my exact same height, a weight slightly above the BMI charts could be their ideal based on frame. So long winded but my point is, listen to your body, it will tell you when you've reached your ideal weight.
  • bbabs99
    bbabs99 Posts: 51
    BMI is an incredibly inaccurate number. I'd imagine that I'd have an extremely tough time getting to the top of the healthy weight for BMI, at 6 1.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I am 6 foot and according to the BMI # if I weigh 185 I am overweight. There is no way that is overweight for me. When I got married I was a slim and trim 210. Right now I'd be happy with 225. Once I get to the other side of 250 then it will seem realistic.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Most weight charts put the "ideal" weight for my height a bit higher than what I'm aiming at, but only by a few pounds. I've got a small bone structure, however, and anything over 110 tends to look bloated on my frame- around 102-105 (where I set my goal) I know I feel best and look best.
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    My goal weight is at the very high end of the range of "ideal" for my height and build. I picked my goal weight because I know it looks good on me.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    What's wrong with 134 being your goal weight? For the average person, your goal weight should be a healthy weight for you to maintain based on your ideal weight range and lean body mass. I don't know your bf% but according to BMI, your target weight range should be 110.3 - 149.1, making 134 sit safely in the middle.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I don't think those ideal body charts are terribly accurate. They don't seem to take into account frame/bone density etc. Ideal weight is so much more personal than that. What I go by, is the weight that my body settles at naturally when I'm eating well, getting a little exercise and happy. My weight is actually below what it should be according to BMI charts by a bit. I think this is because I have small frame (tiny wrists) naturally. For someone else of my exact same height, a weight slightly above the BMI charts could be their ideal based on frame. So long winded but my point is, listen to your body, it will tell you when you've reached your ideal weight.

    Couldn't agree more. I've always read that the ideal body weight is 100 pounds for the first 5 ft. and an additional 5 lbs. for every inch. Sounds okay in theory, but I want muscles!
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I'm hoping when I get to my GW then my "attributes" would have shrunk too & I won't look out of proportion!

    I think they make me look bigger than I am :embarassed:

    Yes, I'd love for my "attributes" to be a little smaller too. I'm the only one in the family who inherited this from my grandmother.

    I'm 5'4 also, with a large bone structure, and if I hit somewhere between 130 and 145, I'll be ecstatic. I think I'll also look pretty good, "attributes" or not! :)
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my doctor told me i should weigh around 145...i'm 5'9" and pretty big boned. my goal weight is around 170. i want curves!
  • subela
    subela Posts: 76
    I'm 5'8". I have only been overweight for a year do to Menopause. I was pretty comfortable at 155. That's when I can fit into a size 8. Ideally, I would like to be a size 6. My goal is to get down to 155 again (I'm 175 now) and then focus on lowering body fat and not focus on the scale weight.
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