One for the ladies - PCOS

Hi all,

I've recently been diagnosed with PCOS, and I'm wondering whether anyone on here has had experience with it and how its affected your weight loss (if at all?).

The likely treatment for me is going on a particular type of pill (which can also affect your weight loss).

Any feedback would be great :)



  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Oh and also, as an added extra - those who have (or plan to have) children, did this affect your ability to concieve?
  • bluebugcutie
    I have PCOS and I have been what is considered over-weight all my life. It is difficult to lose weight but watching portions and types of food and exercising regularly helps as I've found out the past couple of years. But you have to be strict at this. As for the trouble concieving, yes I have had problems and my doctor has said I would need fertility drugs or IUI and if those don't work then possibly IVF. Good Luck!
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    Oh and also, as an added extra - those who have (or plan to have) children, did this affect your ability to concieve?

    I dont have any experience personally but i do know people who have it. One has a hard time gaining weight others have a very hard time lossing weight. One took about a year to concieve and another has been trying for a couple years. I do know its easier to consieve with less weight. So i'd suggest talking to your dr for the best rout to take :)
  • DMP3
    DMP3 Posts: 10 Member
    I have PCOS. I don't feel like it has affected my weight too much although I know it can. I started MFP on 8/1 and have lost 20 pounds so far and I'm okay with that. As far as conceiving, yes it affected me. We tried for almost 3 years and I ended up taking Clomid and IUI treatments before I finally conceived my first son. Then when we were ready for a 2nd child I went on Clomid again but no IUI and got pregnant with twins! : ) I wish you the best of luck with everything!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Well, let's see here. It's taken me three years but I've lost 108 lbs but I am not for sure if it was the PCOS or myself that caused the slow weight loss (I fell off the wagon a few times) but I feel more in control than if I had lost it quickly. I couldn't stay on birth control and I never took metformin so it was all lost through exercise and calorie counting. I had no problem getting pregnant with my first child because I was already at a healthy weight. The second child I had to lose 60 pounds to get my TOM back on track and to conceive. After he was born the weight kept creeping up which made my TOM extremely sporadic. I started again on losing weight, to be healthy this time, and as of now my TOM is on time each month. Just know there are lots and lots of women here that know the frustration that comes along with PCOS and never be afraid to ask or confide because we all need a support network! Best of luck and friend me if you like :)
  • katw26
    katw26 Posts: 6
    I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance about 8yrs ago. For me, it makes it hard to lose weight and very easy to gain it. I have to be very strict on carbs/sugars and it is a slow long process for me- no quick fixes here weight wise. As for kids, I can get pregnant easy enough but can't stay that way- my Specialist put me on metformin whilst trying to conceive and for the first 14 weeks of pregnancy and I have managed to deliver 2 kids that way :)
  • squirrlyscb
    Hello Lady's i have been struggling with pcos and gettting modivated to lose weight. I'm trying this site to see if this can work i need to get in shape. looking for friends to help keep me on track and going.. It took my mom 8 years to learn that im healthy its the pcos that is making it hard to lose weight and so i get so frustrated with all i try and it dont work so hope anyone can help me get modivated and if you need help to get modivated hope to help you from oregon and wish everyone the best in results..

    If you would like to add me you can and hopefully we can help each other...
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Thanks for all the advice :) And congrats on all your journeys so far :)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Hi, all! I would love some friends who also have PCOS, so any of you are welcome to add me as a friend, if you like. I know it is an extra struggle for us to lose weight, and we have other unique challenges. As my older daughter approaches puberty, I'm also concerned she may have it as well. I have been over 235 pounds in the past, and am now 168. The only medication I've ever taken has been birth control pills, but I wasn't sure how I felt about possibly experiencing side effects, and not really knowing what they might be. So most of my weight loss has been with old fashioned willpower. If I slack off at all I gain back alot, which happened in my first year of marriage. Thankfully, fertility was not a problem for me, and I am very grateful for that. My empathies go out to those of you who struggle with that issue. My weight has always been an issue in my life, and I have some of the other "fun" symptoms like the hair where I'd rather not have it, for example! Just today I was wondering again whether I should be asking my doctor more questions, like if there's any concern over my periods, which seem to be getting more and more painful. I'm a little concerned they'll just recommend a birth control pill, and I'm not sure I want that. Anyone have any thoughts on that?