Taking a chance

K_Pow Posts: 64 Member
Hi there,
I'm a veteran at Weight Watchers but have decided to take a slightly different approach by using MFP.

I have an 8 1/2 month old daughter and have lost the majority of the baby weight. I have about 10-15 pounds to get to my pre-baby weight and then another 15 to go to hit my goal. Right now I'm still off on maternity leave but also teach part time at Goodlife Fitness as a cycling instructor which I have been back to doing since April. I love that I get paid to exercise...never mind the fact of burning some major calories.

Anyways...just a brief introduction to myself..hoping to touch base with maybe some other mama's in the same boat as me.


  • apeecaleb
    apeecaleb Posts: 58 Member
    Well, hello!

    Welcome! I am also trying to loose the last 15-20 pounds from having my now 10 month old. It's been a challenge with a 2 year old and a 10 month old at home, I seemed to never have the time or energy to exercise let alone eat right. MFP has been awesome and I realized once I got my calories and eating in line the energy to exercise seem to follow right behind.. Good luck!
  • vintx
    vintx Posts: 34
    good luck! sounds like you are on the right path already. :) i have 4 kids. never had a problem losing the baby weight until my 4th where i gained 40 lbs. :( so i'm working to get some of that off. :)