Salad Hater...Advice?

I really do not like salad at all. Couldn't eat it unless it was an Asian Salad from McDonalds(these are the only exception though). I do love veggies, and I do wish to clean up my diet, but there is the matter of a budget.

Does anyone have any suggestions on veggie ideas so that I can eat more veggies, get most of my needed protein and have it still be easy to prepare?


  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    There are many delightful ways to eat veg without salads. I am not a huge salad eater.

    Do you like them oven roasted or lightly steamed?
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 328 Member
    My husband is vegan so I spend some time looking through cook books for healthy receipe's we both enjoy. There are some in the link on my signature
  • V8 or V8 Fusion is a good way to get more vegetables if you don't like eating them normally.
  • 1myfit
    1myfit Posts: 69
    salads are a waste of cals.....(my opinion)
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    There's nothing magic about salad. If you like veggies but not salads... then just eat the veggies :) I frequently eat bell peppers and tomatoes the way one might eat an apple. I just bite in and enjoy.

    And as the previous poster mentioned... roasted or lightly steamed is yummy. I'll add grilled to the list. Grilled veggies are spectacular. I LOVE grilled asparagus.

    As for the cost issue... look around! I don't know if they have them in your area... but out here in California, there are non-chain grocery stores, frequently with asian or hispanic names. They often carry cheap veggies. Sometimes the quality is not great, so you've got to do some digging... but they're nice for when money is tight. You can also find some interesting veggies that aren't carried in normal grocery stores.

    They had the non-chain stores in Colorado too... you just have to look.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Not all salads are lettuce, tomato, cucumber, dressing. You can cut up any kind of veggies you like and put them together, drizzle them with lime juice, pineapple juice, or any sauce you like.

    My favorite salad is halved figs, sliced hearts of palm, topped with a little crumbled bacon, crumbled goat cheese and a little fig infused vinegar and toasted pecans.

    You can eat vegetables and fruits however you want.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    many many ways to get veggies --- frozen ones r usually pretty cheap on sale & you just have to heat them up. For salads I like to make mine with as many things as possible lol and I also like to take ideas from restaurants menus. For example I loveee salad with romaine lettuce, baby spinach, spring mix lettuce mix, cucumber, peppers, carrot, scallions, tomato, chicken, bacon, sliced almonds and ranch dressing. also love all of the above minus the meat with good seasons italian dressing. could also add ham/boiled egg/etc to it. and there are also salad fixins and different croutons etc. i just don't use them because i eat gluten free, but they may be an option for you. you could also add hot peppers, onion, olives, sugar snap peas (love them!), fruit, nuts, among many other things. other ways to incorporate veggies without having them alone is in a stir fry, fajitas, tacos, and chicken primavera, kabobs, among many other recipes. (and those recipes can be easy if you buy the frozen vegetables that are already made for that!). you can grill, sautee, pan fry, microwave, raw, marinate, etc. in addition you can make it into a wrap or sandwich too. or just have vegetables and dip! just gotta get creative :)
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I like grilled veggies...squash, zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, onions; marinated in oive oil and garlic, grilled or broiled until the edges blacken. Use as a pizza topping, pita or sandwich filler, or alongside a meat entree. The taste is something special, and can even make a salad tasty to a salad hater! (I use romaine, grilled veggies, black olives, pepperoni, and a little mozzarella, with roasted red pepper viniagrette.)
  • any good cookbook has chapters on veggies. Also, you can get a vegan cookbook if you don't want to eat meat. I like salad but don't eat it everyday but I love veggies and eat at least two with every meal wit chicken or fish.

    Experiment and find what you like. What is you favorite veggie? Find out multiple ways to prepare it. You'll find what you're looking for if you look for it.

    Have fun. DOn't look at it as a bore. Enjoy! :happy:
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I really do not like salad at all. Couldn't eat it unless it was an Asian Salad from McDonalds(these are the only exception though). I do love veggies, and I do wish to clean up my diet, but there is the matter of a budget.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on veggie ideas so that I can eat more veggies, get most of my needed protein and have it still be easy to prepare?

    Who said you had to eat salad? What about a veggie sandwich/wrap/burrito or steamed veggies with dressing? Or even just plain veggies. I also add peppers & tomatoes and things like that to my omelet. and add broccoli, peas and corn to my pasta. V8 is really good. I drink the original low sodium version. And I like to make chicken stir fry. Just some ideas if any of those interest you.
  • A easy way to eat "salads" is really to just get it through with your sandwiches or other meals and I personally like shredded cabbage, and just add lots of it in between whole wheat bread with some roast beef and dijon mustard. Or I put lots of shredded cabbage next to chicken or something
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I also got tired of eating "salad", so now I take a container with a variety of cut up raw veggies (mushroom, carrots, red bell pepper, grape tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, cucumber slices) and a tablespoon of my favorite dressing to dip them in. I pair it with a meat-based entree (salmon, chicken, beef) and a piece of fruit for my take-to-work lunch.
  • Try adding different things and flavors you may not expect. My fave salad is: iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, shredded carrots, red onion, bacon bits, grilled chicken, Texas Toast garlic bread croutons, shredded cheese and rasberries. I toss the lettuce only with FRESH lemon juice, salt and pepper. Then I add everything else and mix all together with some fat free ranch, or italian. It sounds wild but is so good!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I hardly ever have salads, at least not as a meal.

    I like buying mixed bags of frozen veggies and adding them to just about anything. The pepper onion stir fry mixes are great with chicken or beef and a little salsa in a crock pot. Yum.
  • I forgot...even better to use pomegranate seeds instead of rasberries.
  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    Not all salads are lettuce, tomato, cucumber, dressing. You can cut up any kind of veggies you like and put them together, drizzle them with lime juice, pineapple juice, or any sauce you like.

    My favorite salad is halved figs, sliced hearts of palm, topped with a little crumbled bacon, crumbled goat cheese and a little fig infused vinegar and toasted pecans.

    You can eat vegetables and fruits however you want.

    that sounds delicious yum yum :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    eat the veggies and pretend it's not a salad...
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    in honduras, we would put lemon juice onour salads. it made them taste fresh plus we didnt have salad dressing...or a fridge to keep salad dressing in
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    What about a nice macaroni or potato salad? Who doesn't love those?
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    What about a nice macaroni or potato salad? Who doesn't love those?

    yes! wy dont you eat some nice fake cheese (aka overly processed fat and salt) and some nice carb ful noodles and call it a salad.... or not!