Starting C25K on Monday (17th Oct)... want to join me?



  • ladybug1009
    ladybug1009 Posts: 68 Member
    Ok did my first session, hard work and legs a bit wobbly but thats the start :) Good luck everyone

    Great way to stay positive!! :)
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Second 'run' of week 1 tomorrow morning. Might try and run early but that will involve finding something warm to wear as if I am lucky it'll be just above freezing! It'll also be dark. Mmmm, maybe I'll wait til a little later in the day (at least until the new running jacket I have ordered arrives!)
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Waited til lunchtime on Wednesday to run as it was so cold out, also had to wear my old coat so sweated like I was wrapped in plastic!! Good run, felt faster but timings said slower - not sure why, probably my random starting and stopping of the app!! Off out now to do today's run and its still cold and still no new jacket so another sauna!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    C25K week 1 day 3 completed. Another sauna in my jacket so got home and I was soaked. Can't wait for my new jacket to arrive. Just done some calculations and I think I will have to modify my route for next week other wise I will be home before the podcast finishes. Also I think the times from my run app are out so will try and time myself manually too next week.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Additional: just approximated my times using the fact that the podcast is approx 32.5 mins and on Monday I listened to that plus about 2 mins of the next track, on Wednesday it was podcast plus about 1 extra minute, and today I was at my back gate as the podcast finished. Good news in that I am improving each day. Bad news in that I now need to change the 'run speed' in my exercise journal.
  • Juliealittle
    Juliealittle Posts: 22 Member
    So is everyone on Week 2 now? I did the C25K about a year and a half ago and loved it. I'm no runner, but was amazed that I could actually progress each week and could do the longer runs. I started out using Robert Ulrich's music/cues (techno) and then found Suz's podcasts (variety of pop/hip hop) which gets me moving more.

    Someone asked about doing C25K on the treadmill...and YES, it works great on the treadmill. That's how I did the whole program last time. When you get to the longer runs, you will probably want to go outside (just because you feel so good!) and you will feel more confident in your abilities as well.

    If we are on Week 2 now, I'll join in! I'm going to be doing a triathlon next June, so I want to ramp my running up so that I can actually run instead of walk. BTW, when I say "running", it's actually jogging. LOL
  • Juliealittle
    Juliealittle Posts: 22 Member
    Ok, just finished W2D1....who else did it today?
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    I should have been doing W2D1 yesterday but felt rubbish all day, then got an upset tummy in the evening so no run yesterday and none today either. Will do W2D1 tomorrow and then depending on how I feel W2D2 on Friday and then skip straight to W3 for next Monday.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    OK - so no C25K this week :-( Think I will have to start W2 on Monday so I will be a week behind where I wanted to be.
  • Good luck all who are giving it a go! I know that there is a less aggressive version also out there..(my wife can't do the standard program as it's too aggressive for her). the app on your phone and mix with an upbeat playlist! It makes it much more tolerable and you forget about the sounds of beating the pavement! I just completed Week 6 Day 1 today! Sometimes I can't make the whole way, but I keep going as far as I can and walk when I have to...we will make it!
  • Juliealittle
    Juliealittle Posts: 22 Member
    Just did W2D2....after I rode my bike for a half hour. I just got a new bike trainer today and was super excited to try it out, but I knew I had to run. So I rode AND ran. :smile: I do my weigh ins on Friday, so tonight was my "last chance workout". Hoping for a loss tomorrow!
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    Don't give up wibbly, it gets easier after a while, also strecthing is very very very important, you can find good strectching exercises on youtube.
  • jenniferhe
    jenniferhe Posts: 52 Member
    OK - so no C25K this week :-( Think I will have to start W2 on Monday so I will be a week behind where I wanted to be.

    Were you able to restart this week? How's it going? Mine have been ok. I'm switching from running out side to inside and repeating week 4. The reason being a treadmill helps me pace better than I can pace my self out side so I think I actually run faster or at least at a more consistent speed then when i am on the treadmill. Still learning how to do that on my own :)

    Other than that It's going pretty good. I start on the longer run's next week which should be interesting. As for tips, I would say don't be afraid to repeat a week if it was hard and you think you need to. I think the first time I did this program it took me 14 weeks instead of 9 because I did repeat a few. Make sure to listen to your body as you run so as not to over do it but push your self. Stretching afterwards is a must or muscles can cramp up really bad especially if they are not use to this kind of work. Stay hydrated be fore and after also helps. I think those are all the tips I can think of. Feel free to ask questions and I will help if I can. :) Hope all is going well for you!
  • Juliealittle
    Juliealittle Posts: 22 Member
    Well, did the 3rd day of W2 and actually ran/walked more than was called for. I don't run real fast, so I wanted to finish 3.1 miles and had to go a total of 43 minutes instead of just the 30 minute program. My running portions today were at 6.0 mph which is a lot faster than normal for me. It kicked my butt, but it felt good afterwards!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Almost back at it...

    Did W2D1 on Tuesday and no shin splints at all so thats great. Supposed to be doing day 2 today but its raining and miserable outside and I am having trouble motivating myself. I ordered a new running jacket a couple of weeks ago and just found that the company 'lost' my order. So now I have to find it somewhere else. In the meantime that means if I run in my coat its like having a sauna!

    Going to give it an hour to see if the weather breaks - this is the UK afterall - the weather changes every hour!