Looking for mentor or a kick me in the butt buddy:)

So Ive been off and on yo yo dieting and semi exercising-for the last 9 months. At first i was doing great, 1200 calories a day, dancing / cardio every day., lost 15 pounds or so. And what came to my surprise so early is a plateau.So, i stopped exercising seems my get up and go got up and left. still eating 1200 calories but absolutely no net loss. Im looking for a mentor, someone who can help me with goals, someone to challenge me and keep me motivated. someone whos not afraid to tell me the truth while also,pushing me ( hard of over the net, but sure it can be done) goal at is to loose 50 lbs, pros- lots of free time cons- hard to motivate, limitations- no equipment, or gym close by, Im serious about losing this weight just looking for some people to help me stay on track hope your out there somewhere:)


  • 2LoveAndHate
    2LoveAndHate Posts: 57 Member
    There is a lot of hot guys on here that have extensive knowledge about dieting. Friend them and ask questions, they are always willing to help.

    My favourites are PBJunkie, Acg and joejccva71.
  • 623Hernandez
    hehe hehe You said "butt budddy!" :laugh:

    Sorry I am a bit imature!
  • Wallaby2
    Wallaby2 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi there! I'm not sure if I can be a hard task master but am happy to be one of your supporters. I too eat 1200 calories and have stalled in my weight loss too so I'm a bit frustrated. I'm mixing my eating around a bit to see if it kick starts it again. All the best, feel free to add me.
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    You should have several buddies that will motivate you. Good Luck.
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    lol ty, didnt mean butt buddy that way... meant kick me in the buttt......... buddy lol n" looks dont matter to me just want someone to keep me going. hott guy not a requirement!
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i eat around 1200 cals and dont use a gym :) send me a freind request if you like, i too am a hard to get motivated person but i love to motivate the people around me .
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    ty everyone :)
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Add me as a friend - I am hard on myself and can be hard on others (although I always try and be kind!). If you are plateaued then you are not exercising enough and or eating too much - that is the simple fact! A healthy adult can lose weight on 1600 calories a day! So stop kidding yourself and definitely stop feeling sorry for yourself. I had a bad day yesterday - had a moan and now I am back on track with a vengence. This journey is not instant and takes commitment. There will be good days and bad but if you are not prepared to be honest then you will not succeed. However, if you commit yourself 100% to becoming healthy and fit then this will work. It is not rocket science - just self respect and self discipline!
  • StarlightxUK
    I'm looking for more friends, just joined yesterday and trying my hardest to exercise. I have a desk job so it's quite difficult for me to find time. I have started going out for a walk at lunch and also when I get home. I don't go to the gym and cannot run/jog due to a medical condition but I do the best I can.