Things to do instead of eating...

I thought it would be cool if everyone threw a couple of things out there that they do instead of eating when they know they aint hungry.

Alot of times people eat because they are bored or just need something to do. So if everyone throws a couple out there we should have a nice list of ideas to do instead of stuffing our faces!

Mine are...

1. Make a list of places/things you are gonna go to or buy once you reached your goal
2. Go to town and try on clothes to see how far you came or how far you have to come
3. Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise
4. Call a support buddy
5. Scrapbook

What are yalls ideas?


  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I like to read. I also practice Tai Chi. I call my distant relatives to keep in touch.
  • Elisa123Maria456
    Elisa123Maria456 Posts: 2 Member
    Cool Ideas!

    Write (anything xD)
    Make arts and crafts
    Clean your room

    Just another I like to do that really do the trick :)
  • amberpaigee
    Paint your nails - then at least you can't pick up food to eat and you get pretty nails at the end :)
    Have a bath.
    Go shopping for lovely clothes and party dresses for Christmas!
    Get started on your to-do list!
    Drink some water or tea :)
    Call up an old friend you haven't spoken to in ages and have a chat!
    Go to the gym with your friend!
    Buy some cute exercise clothes!
    Plan your food diary for the next day including all the healthy things you will eat!!
    Re read your list of why you want to lose this weight! :)

  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Chew gum
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    catch up on work.
    drink lots of herby tea (green, pepper mint, fruit tea)
    tidy up
    play on a game
    look up new healthy recipes
    waste time on mfp :D
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Get up and move around
    go for a walk
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    love this!

    paint nails, read, sleep, workout, walk, drink water, do something involving my hands to stay busy, blast music and dance!
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Good topic! I could always use some more ideas.

    Get stuck into the cleaning
    Have a bath
    Do some exercise
    Read the motivation threads on MFP
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Chew gum
    OMG ... those pancakes look delicious ! LOL ! Ok ok ... I bike, walk the beach and surf the net for information ... the internet is a highway of information and I can spend hours reading ! :)
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Great idea by the way. You motivated me to go make a sign to put on my fridg door that says:

    Try this instead:
    Drink Hot Tea
    Drink Water
    Drink Diet Soda
    Do Laundry
    Sweep floors
    Do something distracting!
  • KazzieBear83
    KazzieBear83 Posts: 36 Member
    -Go on the laptop, and find one of them addictive games, like solitaire, or mine sweep, and play that till I am not bored.

    -Drink a glass of water with ice cubes in to munch on.

    -Read a book or magazine.

    -Go and brush my teeth.

    -Chew gum.

    -Phone a friend, that I know will chat on the phone for ages.

    -Look back at old photos.

    -Go for a walk.

    -Play fight with my fella or daughter, to get into a happy mood, where I am then less likely to eat through boredom.

    :)) xx
  • angelred2
    Hey there's some good tips here, thanks, I could do with these at the moment!

    Get up and move around, housework, read, drink a glass of water (well, vimto in my case!)
  • angelred2
    Great idea by the way. You motivated me to go make a sign to put on my fridg door that says:

    Try this instead:
    Drink Hot Tea
    Drink Water
    Drink Diet Soda
    Do Laundry
    Sweep floors
    Do something distracting!

    I like this idea, thanks! :smile:
  • pomegranatesquash
    Take up knitting :), keeps your hands busy while watching TV and you'll get something uber cute out of it

    Nessy x
  • vonnywaft
    vonnywaft Posts: 182
    Try mindfullness meditation - great for your general wellbeing but also can help with emotional eating. There's guided meditation tracks you can download free on t'internet and tons you can buy from Amazon.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    drink water
    chew gum
    read a book
    clean the house
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I love this topic! i will definatly be using all of these suggestions as thats my biggest down fall, eating when i'm not hungry, just bored.
    Thanks for sharing!