
Brandita21 Posts: 6 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
I was referred by a friend that has been successful with this program. So, I am ready to make some changes...Please give me any pointers that have helped you! Also, I am kind of lost as to meal plans, so if you have any ideas it would be greatly appreciated :)


  • Hey there! Thanks for adding me as a friend by the way...

    There are plenty of people offering advice on how to get the best out of the site and it's all good. One of the best tips I was given was to alter your settings so that your friends can view your food diary. You will get food tips and general advice that way. Also, psychologically, you will be more conscious of what you are eating if you know other people can see it!!

    Of course it goes without saying that you must be totally honest with your food diary and count everything. If you "fall off the wagon" and wolf down a chocolate bar put in your diary... you'll only get supportive comments and the act of "confessing" is very cathartic and makes you doubly motivated to make sure you don't do it again.

    Also, if you view other people's food diaries you will get LOADS of meal ideas... and never be afraid of asking them for their recipes. As with most things, the more you put into MFP, the more you will get out of it so make sure you blog, comment, add friends and log in daily. If you have a smart phone get the mobile app, it really makes a difference when you can update your food diary "on the go" rather than trying to remember what you have had at the end of the day.

    Stick with it, you'll love it! It's like Facebook without all the annoying kids! x
  • Brandita21
    Brandita21 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much, I really do like has only been a few days but it really has helped me stay focused and self aware. I am not sure if my log is public or not, I will definitely make sure it is...thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • veidtmeister
    veidtmeister Posts: 16 Member
    If I can lose weight....anyone can.....

    tips...hmmm....for me....its a lotta what I could never imagine being born in texas......haha....

    salads, soup (good stuff, and filling), onions, louisiana hot sauce, lotsa pickles...wheee! Cucumbers and lowfat ranch dressing to snack, a whole lotta wheat tortillas with chicken, beef...etc...just load up on the veg for bulk. Bananas were key for me in the AM to not lose energy. Flavor is key...flavor flavor flavor......

    I could eat a pile of dog poo, it you smother it in jalepenos and hot sauce..haha...:smokin:

    if you need motivation, gimme a holla....
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