Ideal measurements?

I know every body is different and everyone carries weight differently.

I was just wondering what you all thought the "ideal" measurements were for a woman (like myself) who is 5'6 and pear shaped?

Before I had my second child (she's two months old- I got pregnant last dec) I weighed around 165 and my measurements were 37-31-49

I'd like to get my measurements more even leaning towards hour glass (I know to fully achieve that I'd need a but of 'enhancement' which i'm okay w/.

I was just wondering what people thought I should aim for.

My goal weight has always been 130-135. idk if that's too slim for me personally- but I think I'd be happy there.

any thoughts? What are your ideal measurements? (include your height :) )



  • LeihaS
    LeihaS Posts: 48 Member
    I've edited..

    What are your ideal measurements? include your height.

    Does anyone know what the "healthy proportion percentage" is? (waist to hip ratio)