Losing Steam

Anyone get to a point where they lost a bunch of weight and then you lose steam? I still have plenty more to go but I'm not as hyper about it? What did you do to get past that?

I keep floating around the low 260s. I need it to float in the 50s to meet my next goal. lol.

I've almost lost 30 lbs so far, but that was just me getting up off the couch and doing something (and eatting healthy). Now, the rest seems like I have to really work for it. lol.


  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i work at a steam generating station. when we are losing steam, we check all the drain valves to see if any are open. then we check safety valves to see if any aren't properly seating, and then we check all the other connections that may have come lose.

    my point is, you just need to look at yourself, and see where you need to make an adjustment.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    i work at a steam generating station. when we are losing steam, we check all the drain valves to see if any are open. then we check safety valves to see if any aren't properly seating, and then we check all the other connections that may have come lose.

    my point is, you just need to look at yourself, and see where you need to make an adjustment.

    Nice analogy. lol!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You live in Oklahoma City? Just visit any Wal-Mart, hang out by the entrance, and that should be enough to motivate you.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    sounds like it's time to change things up and try a new fun workout!
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I am in the same boat man. I shed the first 50 pretty quick, now I've gotten lazy, I haven't gained back and I still workout a lot but my diet has gone to hell. I think you just have to have another come to Jesus meeting where you look in the mirror and say this isn't cutting it, it's time to go full steam again.
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    I'm starting to get that way too, but it is a natural part of the process. Just keep focusing on the goal, and talk yourself out of your rationalizations. Remember, the new you is motivated (even if he is hiding right now), and won't really be happy in the long run if you give up on your goal, or raise it because it is easier.

    If you need to, set a new interim goal that is not scale-oriented. Set a new distance or speed goal, or use a smaller pant size as your goal. Maybe a nutrition goal - give up something processed for something you make yourself. Whatever it takes to keep you going.
  • faeriegraves
    are you drinking water? that may help jumpstart your weightloss. I have been on a plateau for the past month, where i gained and lost the same 2 lbs. It was so frustrating, one morning i was crying on my walk. Just this week I dropped 3 lbs! Just don' give up.

    If you have netflix, i recommend the series "Heavy" for some motivation. If they can do it, we can too!!! And congrats on your 30 lb. weight loss, that is awesome.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    review my will power blog below and do the exercise contained in it. if you dig deep enough, you should find the motivation to spark more success.
  • Splinkysgirl2
    Review the items you listed as your inspiration on your profile page. You have a wedding set for 2012?? If you stop now, 1) you won't be at the goal you want for that special day and 2) there's a possibility that you could gain some of that weight back unless you have some type of really good system for maintaining where you are now. Keep going -- you can do it. And you'll be so glad you did. :flowerforyou:
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    So what you're looking for really is a way to renew your motivation. For me I do a couple things. One, take a look at some of your before pictures and try to remember what it was like when you were carrying those extra pounds (being tired a lot, feelings of sluggishness, whatever). Also try to remember why you decided now was the time to change. What did you really want to achieve? Then look at yourself now and how far you've come. Look in a mirror and find some things that you really like about the improvements you've made so far. Think about how many more of those things you have to discover if you just keep going.

    Sometimes I'll also try to think about all the people who would be either disappointed or would gloat if I failed to make my goal. It's kind of a negative reinforcement but for me it works. I think about how people would just dismiss me as another person who went on a diet and failed if I don't achieve my goals. That motivates me a ton because I don't want to be just one of those people, I want to be a success story. I want to be an inspiration to others rather than an example they can point to about how it's so hard or not worth it to try and lose weight. I want to prove to myself and those around me that I'm stronger than the "typical" dieter and that I can be successful.

    I hope you can find something similar that will renew your drive to succeed. You're doing very well so far, it would be a shame if you stalled out now. You've put in all this hard work and made all this progress, rather than leave the job half done, why not finish strong and make that push to your goal?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    You live in Oklahoma City? Just visit any Wal-Mart, hang out by the entrance, and that should be enough to motivate you.

    Yup! Completely agree with this.

    just working at the salad bar in a grocery store was enough to make me realize everyone in Iowa is obese