You weigh HOW MUCH?



  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    If he looks healthy, then he probably is healthy, but I'm thinking the might have weighed himself wrong. Scales have to be on a flat, even surface to weigh correctly. if he weighed himself on a cushy bath mat, it's going to give him a lighter weight since the sensors will be under less pressure on a softer surface. My scale will register 20 pounds light if I use it on top of the bath mat.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Mine is 5ft 10 & 190lb - he is a tiny little bit overweight but when he was 170 he looked like a rake so I can't even imagine him at 150! Mind u he has a stocky build , people with small builds can get away with being a lot lighter.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    A friend of mine is a cyclist. He races on crazy hard trails every weekend. Point being, he's super fit, and he's 6' tall & 150 lbs. I think it depends on the person & their body fat. I wouldn't judge him or try to change him based on the number on a scale. The scale could be wrong or he could already be healthy, & you don't want to mess that up. I wouldn't compare myself to him. Please don't let his number bother you.
  • amcarey4783
    amcarey4783 Posts: 6 Member
    Im jelious I know men have different muscle structure then women. women have a little more fat on the outside of their muscle (for babies in the future) thats why men always look more toned.... but i am 5'9" and weight 167 and you say hes 6 foot at 150 man i dont want to be the 6 foot but ill go for the 150......JEEELLLLIOOOOUUSSSSS
  • MsNikk
    MsNikk Posts: 1
    I would like to join!!! I just started on yesterday. Hope it's not too late :happy:

    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 157
    Goal: 135
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    My hubby is 5'11 and 138lbs he wants to gain 12lbs so he can weigh 150 but thats because he wants a stronger build. When we first got together he weighed 121lbs and was scary skinny,
  • madisonsteelex
    I bought a scale yesterday so I could weigh myself. I did, all was good, I put it away under the sink.
    My boyfriend then came home and disappeared into the bathroom for a shower. 2 minutes later he called out 'How much is 150lb?'
    I was shocked. He's about 6 foot tall and a builder. In my eyes he's big, strong and sexy. I can't be with a guy that doesn't make me feel small and girlie, which is how I feel next to him. I can't believe he's less than 30lb more than me. Is that a normal weight for a guy? I assumed that with his height and muscle tone he would weigh more.
    I know that weight is just a number and that body fat % is the more important thing, but I was just very surprised..
    my ex boyfriend weighed 3 lbs more than me at my highest weight.. he's 6'3" it made me feel like ****. But my boyfriend now only weighs 10 lbs more than me now, after losing nearly 30 lbs. He's only 5'10" but still
  • skye15
    skye15 Posts: 19 Member
    LOL My boyfriend is 6 f and 145 pounds!! However he eats SO much food everyday but he never gains! He is pretty much all muscle too..not a smidge of pudge of soft flab anywhere. Kinda hate him sometime..:(
  • tekiegirl
    tekiegirl Posts: 78 Member
    My boyfriend is 6'5" and about 150lb. He is very lean, but he does have some muscle. He has a 31-32" waist.
    According to his BMI he is at the lower end of healthy.

    He eats so much and struggles to gain any weight at all. It's very rude ;)

    Hope this helps :)
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    my fiance is 130 soaking wet, at 5'11 and 1/2. Im 108at 4'8". As far as making you feel feminine, thats all you and your feelings, not his job.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Different body types. My hubby is 6'4". If he weighed 170 he'd look anorexic. He looks best and healthiest at around 210-220.

    When we got married I weighed 129. I'm 5'6". I wore my sister's wedding dress in the exact same stitching she wore it. She's 1 1/2 inches taller than me and weighed 15 lbs less. But our body types meant that at 5'6 and 129 I was the exact same size as she was at 5'7 1/2 and 114 lbs.
  • amberrrogers
    my hubs is 5'7" and 167lbs. He is in amazing shape! I dont want to see him any thinner. he is very muscular. However I know ever person is different, but your man is really thin
  • mmelledge
    mmelledge Posts: 150
    He's 6ft and 150?

    Please go make him a sandwich.

    This made me giggle. :laugh:

    But for real.... hard to say w/o knowing his habits and body type. Best bet is to see what a doctor has to say!
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    That does seem kind of low but every body is different right? My husband weighs 175-180 and is 5'11". He is pretty muscular too.
  • WillowD227
    WillowD227 Posts: 5 Member
    My hubby is 6 ft., 155, has horrendous habits - soda, beer, fried food, no exercise - & has excellent medical readings & looks like an athlete. I, on the other hand, run 50 miles a week, workout, eat healthy & still can't get to where I want to be. Not fair :) is what it is & I'm hoping the kids have his genetics & my desire! :)
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    my husband is 5'7" and 105, 150 doesn't sound so bad ofc I like skinny so...
  • Meggy247
    Meggy247 Posts: 77 Member
    My husband is 6' and 150-155. He hates it when I call him skinny and insists on Trim or Fit or Thin but athletic. He just has hardly any body fat and really doesn't exercise much but you can see all his muscles and can build muscle very quickly when he does lift weights. He eats like a horse though, like a 5 meal a day horse and it just doesn't matter for him. Those darn metabolisms, why isn't mine like that?
    Ditto everyone else, everyone's body is different.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I married this really cute farm boy........I think he is hot as hell. ;) He is 6'1" and 250lbs and STRONG. Big boned in build, though.....
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    My husband is 5'10 and working witha trainer. He said he wanted to get to 195 and she asked if he had ever been that weight. He has a ton of muscle and she didn't think it was possible for him to weigh 195
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    He's 6ft and 150?

    Please go make him a sandwich.
