One meal that suits both him and me

Okay, I need some ideas of healthy, filling meals that suit both me and my boyfriend.

He is a builder who eats a lot and never puts on weight, I'm currently playing housewife and trying to lose a few pounds. I'm trying to find evening meals I can make for the two of us with very little effort.

Last night I made chicken stir fry and gave myself a plate of veggies and chicken with just 1/2 cup noodles on the side, then added the rest of the noodles into the wok and gave him a big portion of everything. Easy.

I've also roasted potatoes and veggies to go with steak and put mostly veggies at one end of the dish, and mostly potatoes at the other so we both get some of everything, but he gets more of the stuff I'm avoiding and I get more of the stuff he doesn't like.

What would you suggest?


  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    Chill packed with veggies and brown rice - You get equal chilli with veg and then limit your rice.

    Curry - As above

    Rissotto - He gets full serving, you get half serving with a side salad.

    Cottage pie - You have veggies with yours he has more pie but still some veggies
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Anything really - just reduce your portions or work out how much you can eat. Also you can often have the same meals just cut out the high cal stuff - i.e. don't have full fat mayo, or miss out having chips, fry stuff in Fry-Light etc.

    I'll pretty much eat the same as the boyfriend just not so much and he's supportive so doesn't bat an eyelid when I decline high fat food or have a grilled chicken kebab or come back with reduced fat houmous etc! : ) I think he's enjoyed trying a few new things himself. AND I caught him using fry-light for his own food recently! : )
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I eat the same things my family eats. Most of the time I will just eat the meat and veggie portion of it or only have a little bit of the starch depending where I am on my macronutrients for the day. I cook in a pretty healthy way so I know what I'm eating isn't bad for me. Sometimes I make pasta for the family and that's the night I will cook something else for myself unless there are meatballs involved. In that case I just eat those with some veggies or salad.
  • bitzee
    bitzee Posts: 14 Member
    I also use some of these tactics. I sometimes bake individual pies with puff pastry lids and put more veggies in mine and a little puff pastry lid. Same with lasagne, ill make it with half mince and half grated courgette/carrot and in mine ill use less sauce/cheese etc. For the meat and veg options ill have a smaller meat portion and loads of veggies and maybe only half a potato. If i think what ive cooked isnt enough for the hubby/kids ill make an extra side and make sure i dont eat any of it!!!