Confused and Dissapointed



  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    You've heard of the tortoise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race LOL

    1lb a week is great - that's my target - if I lose more, so be it, but that pound has gone forever!

    I found that my weight 'stuck' for a while, and when I looked back over my diaries I was eating a lot of processed food, with all its hidden sugars and high sodium. I've cut out white bread and cereals, and although I do keep a few ready meals in the freezer they are 'last resort' meals, and generally get used when the grandchildren pop around unexpectedly.

    I started cooking from scratch again, much to hubby's joy, and the weight is coming off at a steady rate now, and I never feel hungry. My favourite meal is a chicken breast with roasted vegetables - it doesn't take long to prepare, only takes about half an hour to cook, and it's really filling!

    Please don't be disappointed - you've got a lot of support here, and some excellent suggestions - I'm sure the scales will start moving for you again soon. Good luck!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I'll join everyone here in saying CONGRATS on the loss you've accomplished already, nothing wrong with losing a pound a week and in the end your loss will be much more sustainable.

    I'll add one thing as well- are you sure of how many calories you're burning during exercise? Most times the calories it shows on machines themselves are way higher than what a person actually burns, oftentimes by many hundreds of calories. I always halve the number of burnt calories on those machines, but if you have an HRM, Bodybugg or something of the sort you can determine with much more accuracy how much you're burning. Sometimes people end up overeating their exercise calories back without realizing they didn't burn as much as they thought and wonder why it's taking so long.
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    I'll join everyone here in saying CONGRATS on the loss you've accomplished already, nothing wrong with losing a pound a week and in the end your loss will be much more sustainable.

    I'll add one thing as well- are you sure of how many calories you're burning during exercise? Most times the calories it shows on machines themselves are way higher than what a person actually burns, oftentimes by many hundreds of calories. I always halve the number of burnt calories on those machines, but if you have an HRM, Bodybugg or something of the sort you can determine with much more accuracy how much you're burning. Sometimes people end up overeating their exercise calories back without realizing they didn't burn as much as they thought and wonder why it's taking so long.

    I have been going with what the machines say at the Y, but I don't eat those calories back. I have been trying to find a less pricey bodybugg or something else that works the same way, but have not been successful as of yet. Unfortunatly I have very little extra funds(along with almost everyone else out there), and I just dont have the 200 or so that it cost for the bodybugg. Although I would love to have it.

    Thanks again for the encouragement to everyone, I wll stay on track and I will take every little bit loss that I get.
  • garangirl
    I too have thyroid issues - I take medication for it, but I can tell you if they are genuine issues diagnosed by a doctor - it will unfortunately take you longer than others to lose weight. Just bear in mind ANY loss is great - you are going down that's the point. Also, no doctor ever told me this, but there are certain foods that act as thyroid inhibitors - everyday things you would never realise -
    Here is a list of things to cut back on or avoid - bear in mind that you don't need to cut out ALL of these completely - but just be aware of your intake

    Also, I have been told that Garlic isn't great for hypothyroidism either

    Hope this helps you - bear in mind also that having thyroid issues doesn't put weight on you, it only inhibits weight loss, so don't make that an excuse for weight gain

    Good luck :)

    Good to know - thanks for the list!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hypothetically, even if you did all this work and didn't lose a thing, your insides would still be thanking you for it, and you will mostly likely lead a longer and healthier life because of it. the scale is overrated - don't let it steal your glory!
  • aidenjacob
    aidenjacob Posts: 4 Member
    I noticed you said you worked out 3 days and burned close to 800 calories every time you worked out.

    1.) Those machines historically say you burned more calories than you actually did.

    2.) Even if you burned 400 calories, you should at least eat SOME of those back. If you're working out a lot, you need the extra calories for fuel... that's why they're given to you.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Okay so I would just like a few suggestions, cause I am a little confused and a little upset about how my week went. I worked out 3 times this week at the Y, and burned at least 800 calories each time, I was under my calories all week except for one day. ( I didn't realize how many calories were in a meal I prepared for my family and went over by about 300) I started really watching what I was doing and going to the gym on Monday, on Friday I weighed myself and only had a loss of 0.4 lbs. That just doesn't seem fair to me.

    I joined this website over a year ago now, the first six months I lost 12 lbs, then it was xmas time last year, and through the holidays I gained almost all of it back, and really did nothing about it all summer. So I did a reset, and restarted. I know I have thyroid issues, and I am on medication for it but I did then when I lost the 12 too. Over the last 4 weeks I have only managed to lose a little over 4lbs.

    I want this really bad this time, and have decided that even though my weight loss was so little, I am going to keep going. But I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to why all the hard work this week gave me little results.

    Well, you've lost four pounds in a month, so you're not on a plateau. You are on a calorie deficit and gaining muscle isn't at all easy to do, so it's not that. I'd say you should eat some of your exercise calories back if you aren't already and keep going. I think we all have this idea of 2 pounds a week but most people will tell you it just doesn't happen that way (sadly.) You're doing great, keep it up!
  • prissa1960
    Thanks Kelly, I needed to hear that as well. :smile:
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Plateaus suck. They won't be there forever, but they do suck. They suck at your resolve and confidence...but please please don't give up. Eventually you will break through and you will be so glad you kept going.

    From a girl who's been on a plateau for 3 weeks.

    If it would be of benefit to join our Challenge, we'd love to have you. Perhaps the extra support and mini goal might help? Having you there would help me!


    Definition: A plateau is a period of time during which your weight remains at the same level.
  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    Id Love A 1lb weigh loss each week.
    Mine Goes 1lb one week 0 the next lose a couple of oz the next.
    But Everyone says slow is best.