
0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
Has anything worked for you to get rid of? Doctor has not helped... Any suggestions to try?


  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    My brother in law uses baby oil gel for his. If you have a gym membership with a steam room hang out in there for a bit that helps as well. Unfortunately I dont think this is something you can get rid of just treat.
  • kirakaydawn
    ok it may sound really strange but this is the only thing that soothes mine..

    In a warm bath add

    2 cups (200g) whole powdered Milk
    1/2 cup (65g) Cornstarch (also called corn flour)
    1/4 cup (50g) Baking Soda

    Seriously It is AMAZING!

    Dont add anything else.. No perfumes or anything.. Just that..
  • sugarlovebug
    sugarlovebug Posts: 158 Member
    Lotion, lotion, lotion, and more lotion! use cetaphil low lather body wash, and lotion. I would also get another really good lotion, like Jergen's for extra dry skin.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    When my little one was a baby she had some excema. Aquaphor worked wonders on it. It's like a really thick petroleum jelly type ointment. Can get it anywhere.
  • desirea2006
    desirea2006 Posts: 58 Member
    Strange and simple. Sun tan lotion! Clears it up pretty quick and continued use keeps it gone!
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    I don't have eczema but I have had my share of road rash. Vitamin E oil on the affected area really speeds healing.

  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    J&J has a really great baby eczema cream that works way better than anything the derm has ever given me.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Nivea cream and Omega 3 supplement.
  • foxtayle
    foxtayle Posts: 17 Member
    I get eczema on my thumb. I noticed my breakouts are worse when my sugar intake gets high. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel (weird, I know) is soothing. Also I use Cortaid ointment, not lotion.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have used every steriod and antifungal I can get my hands on and the best thing I have found is a cream by Flexitol Naturals, it is an eczema and psoriasis cream! It has really cleared up my face in the last week. I use it and then Ponds cream over top! Really helping! And I found it in the grocery store!
  • Whitneylol
    Has anything worked for you to get rid of? Doctor has not helped... Any suggestions to try?

    Funny you're posting this today. Mine is AWFUL right now!!!!!!

    The only thing that helps me is to cut processed foods, use free & clear detergent, fragrance free body wash/soaps, and most of all- VASELINE!!!!!!!!! Seriously, Vaseline is my jam. It really helps to moisten it up and make it less red, IMO. AFter like 1 day of constantly keeping my skin lubed up (ew!) it seems to go away almost completely. I have it so bad right now on my hands/arms and Halloween is this weekend!!
  • Whitneylol
    I get eczema on my thumb. I noticed my breakouts are worse when my sugar intake gets high. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel (weird, I know) is soothing. Also I use Cortaid ointment, not lotion.

    Amen to this. Sugar is what I've noticed makes mine flare up terribly!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I use coconut oil on my kids. It's worked better than anything I've tried over the counter so far.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I take a wet washcloth, put it in a plastic bag and then put it in the fridge for 20-30 minutes so it gets good and cold and then put it on whatever is itching the most. Cold (not freezing) pressure feels great and stops the itch for a while. Aveeno moisturizing oil (not cream) and Aveeno eczema cream both help with dryness. Doctor gave me a steroid cream that does absolutely nothing. But really, cool pressure has been the best by far.
  • Kimberly2212
    I have always been told to just put lots of lotion on for mine!!!
  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    Aveeno makes a product called Aveeno soothing bath treatment. It's a natural oatmeal milk type bath. It helps my son's ecxema. I have to bath him less freqently and I also use the aquaphor cream - works really well.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi there,

    What type of eczema do you have?

    Having lived with eczema all my life, a few important things in keeping it under control are:

    Moisturise - super important to keep your skin from drying out. Try a few different brands and see what works for you. Generally, the thicker the better.

    Vitamins - people with eczema have a lower immune system, so take flaxseed oil, omega-3's, zinc, vitamin B complex etc. Build up your immune system.

    Find out what are your triggers - is it seasonal? stress? pets? all of the above?

    While there is no cure, its better to prevent it then trying to clear a full blown attack.

    I used cortisone creams to get it under control. i have also used homeopathic medicine which worked really well for me in the past, but has failed to work recently.

    all the best, i know how hard this condition can be!
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Hi there,

    What type of eczema do you have?

    Having lived with eczema all my life, a few important things in keeping it under control are:

    Moisturise - super important to keep your skin from drying out. Try a few different brands and see what works for you. Generally, the thicker the better.

    Vitamins - people with eczema have a lower immune system, so take flaxseed oil, omega-3's, zinc, vitamin B complex etc. Build up your immune system.

    Find out what are your triggers - is it seasonal? stress? pets? all of the above?

    While there is no cure, its better to prevent it then trying to clear a full blown attack.

    I used cortisone creams to get it under control. i have also used homeopathic medicine which worked really well for me in the past, but has failed to work recently.

    all the best, i know how hard this condition can be!

    I seem to get it every year for a few months, I take flax seed oil and omega 3 daily, I tried extra zinc with no luck. Wife has Dove soap in the house. No stress in my life. We do have a dog but does not roam the house never been bothered by dogs in the past. It feels best when I wake up in the morning and then during the day it gets worse it's on my finger. I handle money at work and wash my hand a lot.. Thanks for all the great ideas I will give them a try..
  • DeEtteN
    DeEtteN Posts: 8 Member
    When my son was 3 (he's now 19) he was diagnosed with sever eczema, he had it on 95% of his body. He had it everywhere except his hands and feet. We took him to 9 different doctors, tried every cream out there perscribed and over the counter. We even had his participate in a 6 month study for a medication that required us to give him shots everyday and have his blood checked every other week. Nothing was working so the doctor was perscribing medicine to make him sleep at night so he would hopefully stop scratching and staying up all night because he was miserable. This went on for 2 yrs and completely dominated our lives so we tried one more doctor. This doctor was hard to understand and rattled off some instructions of not bathing him for a week and to use this medicine he was perscribing and to return in 2 weeks. I was of coarse sceptical but I was desperate. We had to go to a special pharmacy because the medicine was a concoction that the doctor had made himself. we followed his instructions completely and returned in 2 weeks. At that point my son, 5 years old at the time told the doctor as he examined him "thank you" with tears in his eyes because after only 2 weeks his skin was now 95% clear. Now my son only has to use this medicine maybe a couple of times a year. I know our case is severe but I feel for anyone who has to deal with this condition. So my point of this is don't give up there is always another option. This doctor is in Calif. but I've always wondered if maybe someone else's doctor could talk to him and get the formula because it worked for him and everyone I have ever refered to him. Good luck to you!
  • wayhaps
    wayhaps Posts: 13 Member
    I get dishydrotic eczema (caused by water exposure and mostly limited to the hands), and I have a prescription cream that makes it disappear immediately. It's the only thing that's ever worked. It's called Vanos.

    I get regular eczema around my eyes every now and then and use shea butter to clear it up.