Is it possible to lose 30 lbs in 2 weeks?!



  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Double post. But it still sounds and smells like BS
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    no possiblity she was wearing ankle weights at the weigh in is there?
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Not implying she's cheating or anything but... Is she wearing the same clothes? She may have loaded up before the first weigh in ion water and put on her heaviest clothes with maybe a few extra things tucked in.

    Sounds awful like I'm really mean but I don't even think I've seen people on the biggest loser lose that much in two weeks and if someone is doing that much cardio then shouldn't they be only losing a few pounds anyway, or even gaining due to the muscle?

    It just sounds very dubious to me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    These "Biggest Loser" contests done nonprofessionally seem like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Either someone yells "fraud" or someone dies from the unhealthy process.

    $500 would not be enough for me to do this to my body.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    These "Biggest Loser" contests done nonprofessionally seem like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Either someone yells "fraud" or someone dies from the unhealthy process.

    $500 would not be enough for me to do this to my body.

    But it might be enough for her to cheat...:noway:
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    I thought you were talking about you! I was going to suggest you put the fish down - sorry, not helpful but I couldn't help it :-)

    How big was this lady in the first place, it seems a bit off doesn't it?
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    It sounds very suspicious but If she didn't cheat (extra weights in pockets or something) it was likely she'd eaten a TON beforehand and filled up on water, on the day of the final weigh in she probably ate nothing or very little until it was over. That could probably get rid of up to 10lbs alone.

    Also, she probably lost the rest in a VERY unhealthy way eating next to nothing. Some people go nuts for money and will go to extreme lengths to win and get it, especially over just 2 weeks.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Not implying she's cheating or anything but... Is she wearing the same clothes? She may have loaded up before the first weigh in ion water and put on her heaviest clothes with maybe a few extra things tucked in.

    Sounds awful like I'm really mean but I don't even think I've seen people on the biggest loser lose that much in two weeks and if someone is doing that much cardio then shouldn't they be only losing a few pounds anyway, or even gaining due to the muscle?

    It just sounds very dubious to me.

    We can wear whatever we want and it isn't very regulated on what we can/can't do before a weigh in, so who knows. I'm glad my friend and I aren't the only ones finding this suspicious. I could understand if she was obese, but she doesn't have a lot to lose, so it's just very suspicious and frustrating if she "cheated".

    I know she's working out hard, but losing 20% of your weight in two weeks just seems impossible, especially since she doesn't have a lot to lose. It's just frustrating for those in the competition that are just working hard and feeling like they can't compete now because she lost such a huge number in the beginning.

    Really, there's nothing we can do, I just wanted to rant and see if maybe my friend and I are just being cynical and judgmental and need to stfu about the huge loss (although, we probably should stfu anyways since it doesn't really affect us...).

    I'll try to remember to come back and post on the next weigh in (Nov 3rd) to see what her loss is in the next two weeks. Maybe she is just a super fat burning machine?
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I thought you were talking about you! I was going to suggest you put the fish down - sorry, not helpful but I couldn't help it :-)

    How big was this lady in the first place, it seems a bit off doesn't it?

    Ha, I'm not going to try to compete with her; I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and lose the weight in a healthy, gradual, way.

    If I had to guess, she's currently about 170-180 pounds?
  • wellyourenotSKINNY
    I doubt it.
    10 pounds/ a week? Yes, I've seen it done (temporarily of course)
    but it's exceptionally unhealthy.

    They should do bmis (the old fashion way, not the calculator way)

    Keep us up to date?
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    I thought you were talking about you! I was going to suggest you put the fish down - sorry, not helpful but I couldn't help it :-)

    How big was this lady in the first place, it seems a bit off doesn't it?

    Ha, I'm not going to try to compete with her; I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and lose the weight in a healthy, gradual, way.

    If I had to guess, she's currently about 170-180 pounds?

    I'm currently 165 and I'd need to saw a leg off to get that in that timeframe! I don't think I could even overeat my way anywhere near that - for my first weigh in I wore my coat with keys in (deliberately of course) jumper knee length boots (it was Summer) and had eaten like a pig, I 'lost' 7lb. I should add there was no competition, I'm just a saddo!
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    170-180!! Jesus! Definitely impossible. Sorry but I think people would notice if she dropped from that weight down, she would really be looking crazily thin compared to when she started.

    I would be really suspicious about this, if she loses more, you should be sayin "can I join you at the gym, I'd really like some tips on how your doing this..." and see how she reacts lol.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Ok, I didn't read everyone elses posts but if it was 20% of her weight that would mean she started at 165...she MUST be stuffing her pockets! If not then that is extremely unhealthy! The only way that could be anywhere close to healthy would be if she had over 100 pounds to lose which she doesn't. She's either cheating or is going to end up in the ER by the end of this!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    There could be other things involved than just basic unhealthy weight loss (if the stars were all properly allighned). For example:
    1) if she had TOM during initial weigh in could account for 5 pounds (this is my body, some people are more, some are less)
    2) If she ate just before initial weigh in could account for an enormous amount of weight (but we'll go with 2 pounds)
    3) if she had a full bladder/colon at initial weigh in, we'll give her 2 pounds
    4) Shoes and clothing: 5 pounds
    right there is 14 pounds, half her weight loss.
    Then 7 pounds a week? That could come off with diet and exercise.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    If you ate nothing for 2 weeks straight at 2400 calories burned a day you would only lose 9.6 pounds.

    You would also die of starvation .... :explode:
  • bobbowler
    So let's start with giving her the benefit of the doubt; she was not cheating (rocks in her pockets).
    So how is this possible?

    If she weighed 173 lbs...and lost 19%, that would be 33 lbs.
    So her starting weight. is ~173

    If she worked out solid for 3 hours a day...she could burn ~600-700 cal/hour so figure 2000 Cal/Day, and she burns an additional ~ 2000 cal the rest of the day...that is 4000 calories a day. If she eats 1200 cal per day...(yikes that would be tough with all that exercise)....she nets a loss of 2800 cal per day, times 14 39,200 calories = 11.2 pounds. Of real weight loss...

    Could she have lost 22 lbs of water weight and (pardon this one)...but what she had 'caked' in her intestines?

    I can gain 5lbs of mainly 'water weight' in a day eating pizza (or something else salty) and a couple beers / glasses of water.

    So she could have 'bulked up' with food and water weight etc before the weigh-in...and then lost that and additional water weight like a fighter does before a weigh-in...I guess.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I am calling BS on this cheater. If she shows a weight gain of 25 pounds next week, then she did not cheat. The body must compensate for such a drastic change. If there is no weight gain, or a loss, she cheated. I would call her out on it and ask everyone involved to donate the 500$ to give to her, because she must really need it to go to those extremes.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Probably she used some type of extreme laxatives in combination with strong diet pills...Other than that, she couldn't have simply lost 30 pounds in two weeks with just diet and exercise alone. ...impossible!!!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    How big is her hair? And was it wet? :noway:


    I once did a 6 week body makeover plan (similar to clean eating, very low to no sodium and processed foods...) I had a LOT to lose - and following the plan exactly - I lost 9 pounds in a week.

    Ummmmm - I agree with most other posters... something smells fishy.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Since this is for money and not a small amount I can say I would drop out of the competition if I were you. She simply has to be cheating. Did she look like she'd lost 1/5th of her total body weight?