Personal Goal

I have been battling with weight loss for quite some time now. I had lost weight several years ago, but as soon as I lost it I stopped watching what I ate... and slowly the weight came back. Then I had my first baby... and decided that since I was pregnant I could eat whatever I wanted. BIG MISTAKE. I lost a little bit of weight after my first baby, but not as much as I wanted to... then I had baby number two. I didn't gain as much with my second pregnancy, but I did still gain. I have been fighting to get it off ever since. I have had some major motivation issues. I start out with the best intentions but then I just cave in. I feel tired all the time. I am a big time stress eater... which there never seems to be a shortage of. I have a full time job, and I am a wife and mother too. There is always something to do. I have a hard time fitting exercise into my schedule. Not to say I don't get any... I go for walks a few times a week and I have recently taken up hiking as a new hobby on the weekends (hubby and kids included).

No matter how many times I have failed, I am DETERMINED to lose this weight and KEEP IT OFF. My head is in the game right now, I just need to keep it there. Especially with the holidays around.

I hope to make some friends on here, as I find it much easier to stay on track and motivated when you have other people to share with, who are going through the same thing.

My personal goal is to look better, feel better, and be healthier in my 30s than I ever was in my 20s. (I am 29 right now).


  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    Good for you!! Feel free to add me :happy:
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    You can do it! Add me if you'd like. I have 3 kids and definitely understand the battle of the baby-bulge.
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    Sounds like you're bound and determined! Good for you! It is SO much easier with support and accountability. Feel free to add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • Suzuki03
    Suzuki03 Posts: 2 Member
    Just take it day by day, you can do it :smile: Feel free to add me
  • Mamakat35
    I'm so totally with you, you're story sounds just like mine... I maxed out at 240 but had lap band surgery the 2 of Sept and am now at 181. MFP is an awesome way to keep track of what and how much goes in... Feel free to add me and we can help each other!