Salad Hater...Advice?



  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    What about a nice macaroni or potato salad? Who doesn't love those?

    How about cheese salad? Or you could just eat a couple of cups of mayo instead.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    What about a nice macaroni or potato salad? Who doesn't love those?

    The Amish make very good macaroni/potato salads.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    What about a nice macaroni or potato salad? Who doesn't love those?

    The Amish make very good macaroni/potato salads.

    I am not Amish, but I think mine taste pretty good.
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    What about a nice macaroni or potato salad? Who doesn't love those?

    The Amish make very good macaroni/potato salads.

    I am not Amish, but I think mine taste pretty good.

    oopsie. cats out of the bag. we all know. you are amish. :p:laugh: its okay. i still support you
  • I really do not like salad at all. Couldn't eat it unless it was an Asian Salad from McDonalds(these are the only exception though). I do love veggies, and I do wish to clean up my diet, but there is the matter of a budget.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on veggie ideas so that I can eat more veggies, get most of my needed protein and have it still be easy to prepare?

    Salad by definition is simply a cold mixture of veggies, fruit or a combo of both with (or even without!) a dressing. Saying you don't like salad in general is silly because it is so broad ;D :P

    There are soooooooooooo many combinations possible, you really just need to experiment. And as a note, typically I find I ruin my salads/mixtures (whatever you want to call them) with actual dressings so I stick to squirts of lemon or lime juice, or vinaigrette..

    Honestly I suggest writing down the things that you like, in different columns such as Fruits, Veggies and Protein. Then take a moment and actually visualize/taste in your head what would be good combinations and try it out.

    For instance, here are some of my random "salads"/"mixtures" that I love:

    Chicken, grilled and cut into bite-size pieces
    Peas (purple, snow, or similar)
    Diced peaches
    Feta Cheese
    Fresh Thyme
    Fresh Rosemary

    Mix together and enjoy cold.

    Greens - spinach
    Goat cheese
    Grilled chicken

    A typical QUICK go-to salad my fridge would look like this:

    mushrooms - all variety welcome :)
    chopped bell peppers (red, green, yellow, orange - any combo)
    minced red onion / sweet onion / green onion
    any other random veggies that I have a taste for (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumber...)
    protein: deli turkey / Jenny O extra lean turkey rolled into bits / chicken breast / hard boiled eggs
    spices: typically one or combo of rosemary, thyme, basil, pepper, salt, dill....

    If i have the time to make it carbs would be either brown rice or couscous OR pasta (pappardelle or whole wheat)

    If I know I'll get a great burn in my workout that day I'll include low-fat cheese - feta or blue

    GOOD LUCK - seriously all trial and error!
  • OH and since you mention budget, buy frozen veggies. They will be better than canned, almost good as fresh but cheaper and lasts longer (so you don't waste anything that spoils before you get to use it).

    I'm going to just add some more veggies that I thought of, that I like adding to my mixtures/salads:

    - cooked sweet potato chunks
    - edamame (protein!)
    - tofu, when I take time to prepare it. easy but I know it can get a little pricey
    - squash - YES!! Especially butternut, which is yummy cold as well as warm.

    Speaking of, have you tried wraps instead of salads? Sometimes I prepare the recipe for the wrap but then eat it without the bread/tortilla wrap and then it essentially just turns into a salad...right? Get my drift? :D

    Spinach Salad Wraps


    5 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
    1/4 cup sour cream
    2 Tbsp. sugar
    2 tsp. snipped fresh parsley
    1 tsp. salt
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1/2 tsp. dry mustard
    1 tsp. olive oil
    1 5-oz. pkg. fresh baby spinach (about 5 cups)
    6 10-inch flour tortillas
    6 slices mozzarella cheese, torn in half
    8 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced
    12 slices bacon, crisp cooked and drained
    1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
    3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced


    1. For dressing, in a small bowl whisk together vinegar, sour cream, sugar, parsley, salt, garlic, and dry mustard until combined. Whisk in the olive oil; set dressing aside.

    2. Divide spinach among flour tortillas. Top with cheese, mushrooms, bacon, red onion, and sliced eggs. Drizzle with dressing.
    3. Roll up tortillas. If necessary, secure with toothpicks. If desired, wrap in waxed paper and cut in half to serve.

    Edamame & chickpea falafal

    Makes 12

    Diet facts: vegan

    175g/6oz chickpeas
    275g/9 oz shelled edamame (mine came straight from the freezer)
    1 lemon, juice & zest
    1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
    small handful flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped
    large handful cilantro sprigs, rough chopped (including stalks)
    1/2 tsp salt
    2 Tbsp whole wheat flour (or plain)
    1/2 tsp ground cumin
    1/2 tsp ground coriander

    •Heat the oven to 425F

    • Place all of the ingredients into the bowl of a food processor and pulse until roughly chopped. Tip into a bowl and then form into 12 falafal. You can roll them into balls but I prefer to squeeze them in my palms which is quicker and gives you a bigger crispy surface area. Place them on a nonstick baking tray or a baking tray lined with silpat and mist with an oil spray to get the outsides extra crispy
    • Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden and crispy. Serve in salads or stuffed into pitas with hummus or tahini and lots of fresh veggies- a squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of olive oil wouldn’t go amiss either.

    Oh and another "salad" that I recently fell in love with is a chicken-apple salad. I use Greek yogurt (Fage 0%) instead of mayonnaise and tastes just the same. The greek yogurt is not the most budget-friendly but for what it's worth...

    (serves 4)
    4 large organic eggs - hard boiled
    2 cups spinach, finely chopped
    2 stalks celery, cleaned and thinly sliced
    2 tbsp. plain Greek yogurt (or same amount mayonnaise)
    1 tbsp. tahini
    1 tbsp. lemon juice
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. hot sauce (optional)
    Apple slices into bite sized pieces
    --combine everything and serve on whole wheat bun, or tortillas, or eat plain on a plate.

    Again, hope this helps !!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm vegan and rarely eat a salad. You might could say I eat my "salad" on a sandwich. I'll spread a little hummus on each side of whole wheat sandwich rounds and load up with whatever I feel like - I love raw baby spinach, so loads of that, thinly slice cukes, bell peppers, whatever veggies I have that I love and feel like eating.

    When I do make a salad, it is not your typical "lettuce, tomato, cucumber" salad. I add all sorts of things in there - raw sugar snap peas, nuts or seeds, dried or fresh fruit (like dried cranberries or cherries and fresh apple slices).

    I eat lots of roasted veggies. Lots of veggies and hummus - I don't think I could live without hummus! Stir-fried veggies. Veggies added to pasta, etc.

    I'm vegan, so if you'd like to add me as a friend for meal ideas, feel free.
  • I like salad... but I usually try to spice it up with some bleu cheese and apples, or hard boiled eggs and sundried tomatoes.. In any case, even if you're not eating salad, it's important to eat plenty of raw fruits and veggies. I would recommend incorporating carrot sticks, celery or tomatoes as snacks if you're not going to eat salad ever, at all.

    As far as cooked veggies, I like steamed or roasted asparagus, brussel sprouts, and stir fried mushrooms/green beans. Yum!