Full on fruits/veggies

KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
The first week I started MFP and cut my calories, I was STARVING. Everyone told me to eat more fruits & veggies to get that "full" feeling. Am I the only one who gets a different "full" feeling after eating fruits/veg as opposed to after eating lasagna or pizza or other such food? It just wasn't the same and it wasn't as good :(

Well I'm happy to say that today after eating a pretty stinkin' healty lunch which was heavy on the veggies, I feel full and satisfied! It's nice to realize that our body is so adaptable :)

Does anyone else know the feeling I'm talking about? Or am I just crazy? Haha!


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I know what you mean! The "full" feeling from junk food is a much heavier, almost tiring feeling (and now that I eat better, I almost feel miserable when I get full on bad foods).
  • brandyk2011
    I know exactly how you feel. When I switched from processed food to more fruits and veggies, I felt so deprived. I wanted that pasta or that buger. But now it is the exact opposite...I feel deprived if I don't have my veggies or fruit and I feel horrible more in the sense of feeling weighed down, when I have the pasta or hamburger.

    It's crazy how we can adapt. :)
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Definitely know what you are talking about. There is a difference between feeling defeated versus knowing your limit. Lasagna defeats me where I'm like "ugh...no more...can't do it...." where fruit/veggies say "ok, that's about all I can take of that. I'm good...."
  • laurapotz
    I totally know what you mean. Healthy protein is a good way to fill up when fruit & veg just doesn't hit the spot though.
  • pumpkinfreckles
    yes, i agree. i recently cut dairy out of my diet and had that um, where's the heavy, bloated feeling after eating all that yummy cheese? but i have adapted, too. i personally love not feeling FULL but full. i also think about how eating veggies and fruits, especially while working out, gives my body more nutrients to rebuild healthy cells. you are not crazy :)
  • ChrisIn757
    ChrisIn757 Posts: 159 Member
    I know what you mean! The "full" feeling from junk food is a much heavier, almost tiring feeling (and now that I eat better, I almost feel miserable when I get full on bad foods).

    I agree with this. Unfortunately I haven't gotten past it yet. I'm on week 4 for my walk towards a new me, but I still miss that junk food "full" feeling. I hope it goes away soon.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Totally know what you mean! Adjusting to a lower calorie intake is hard (especially when you are working out more!), but I've found that having things like pre-made sugar free jell-o around, rice cakes, as well as "free" veggies (celery, green bell peppers, and cucumber are a few good examples) help keep hunger at bay when you've eaten all you can and you're STILL HUNGRY. There are not many fruits that are low in calories or sugars, but I've found green grapes, strawberries, and blueberries pack few calories at relatively large volumes.

    Good for you for sticking to it, though! It's tough, but once you realize that you can eat a TON of yummy veggies and only one stinkin' slice of pizza (BOO!!!!), sometimes quantity over relative quality is really better. This is especially true once you start seeing the lovely effects that eating veggies over pizza has on your weight, appearance, and overall health :)