I'm a binge eater, and I don't want to go through this alone



  • mrsgroove
    I have had a similar binge problem and I have been working on the mental component for about a year now. I had to ask my self everytime I found myself bingeing, Why? Why am I doing this at THIS time. I found that most of the time, when I wanted to overeat, it was because I was trying to avoid doing something I really didn't want to do. I was using food to "hide" from unpleasant tasks. Example: I can't do housework, because I'm having a snack right now. or I can't call clients right now because I'm having a snack. Anytime I was faced with a task I didn't want to do, or was feeling too tired to do, I would find myself standing in front of the fridge or scrouging in a cabinet. Some times knowing why I'm bingeing doesn't stop it. All I can do is say to myself, " Hey, you're over eating because of __________. Next time maybe you'll recognize it BEFORE you the eat six chocolate chip cookies.
    I have learned not to yell at myself for bingeing, I just log the calories for better or worse and start over the next day. A clean slate everyday and treating myself with kindness even when I "screw up". It makes it easier to get back on the horse the next day. I think the hardest part of my journey has been learning not to berate and belittle myself for being fat. I try not to say anything to myself (inside my head or vocally) that I wouldn't say to my daughter, or sister, or best friend. When I think back on the things I used to say to myself and think about my body, I could just cry. I was so cruel! I had found the most value in learning to be my own best cheerleader and caretaker. I wish all of you good health and the ability to treat yourself with love and kindness everyday. Peace.
  • genmills2001
    My biggest problem with food is that it's F'ing delicious! If they made all the worst foods taste like Doodoo then things would be easy. I don't share your problem but you've already made the first step: seeing it and looking for help. If we could do some things on our own, we would. I'm glad you're reaching out to us and I'd best most of us are here for you. However, if it's a serious issue, not one of us would be able to help you like a counselor. Perhaps talking with one might give you exactly what you need. If not, there isn't much to lose by trying. Anyway, you do what's best for you and let us know how it's going! May the force be with you!
  • keishatlewis
    keishatlewis Posts: 2 Member
    I agree! Finding something else to focus on is the only way I can control my binges. But I binge w everything. Everything thing I do I do it in binges. I binge w cleaning even! If I let my self get bored all I want to do is EAT! And a couple bites are not enough. I was blessed all my life w a high metabolism. Them two years ago I lost my thyroid dues to some tumors! It's been so hard to control my eating! Some days are harder than others. Just know you are not alOne!
  • Lolabelle666
    Lolabelle666 Posts: 10 Member
    I think I've always been a binge eater but I could control it until I gave up smoking four years ago and now I feel like food is all I think about, it's turned into a habit, instead of waking up wanting a cigarette I wake up thinking what I'm I gonna eat today.
    I am disgusted at myself even while I'm bingeing but that just makes me more depressed so I scoff more.
    I really thought it was just me but since joining this site I've realised there are a lot of us out there and it's lovely reading all the supportive posts hopefully we can overcome this together.