I finally am I at goal, but I'm still fat. ha

So, after the last two years spent monitoring portion control, learning to exercise, strength training, eating healthier, and hitting goal after goal, I am at 135 lbs, 5'1" I am where I NEVER imagined I would be with my weight. But I still feel like I did at 175 lbs. FAT! Although, I know without a doubt I am much healthier and have muscle definition that I have never had before, and I see this. But I can't see where I have lost weight and I still feel like a "fat girl"

hmmm... maybe it's because my inner fat girl still always wants rum and chocolate... Definitely something to consider I believe.



  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    Same! I've lost 60lbs and I still feel like I did 60lbs ago. Even after I try on old clothes. I see through my Fat Girl Goggles when I look in the mirror.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Been there and changed my goal twice! Now I'm 3lbs away from my latest goal! :wink:
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I know a lot of people still feel as fat as they were when they started, no matter how much they lost. I think it's more of a mental thing. You probably look amazing.
  • It might just take your mind some time to catch up with your body. You have done an amazing job, a hard job... and your mentality hasn't caught up with where you are now.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    So, after the last two years spent monitoring portion control, learning to exercise, strength training, eating healthier, and hitting goal after goal, I am at 135 lbs, 5'1" I am where I NEVER imagined I would be with my weight. But I still feel like I did at 175 lbs. FAT! Although, I know without a doubt I am much healthier and have muscle definition that I have never had before, and I see this. But I can't see where I have lost weight and I still feel like a "fat girl"

    hmmm... maybe it's because my inner fat girl still always wants rum and chocolate... Definitely something to consider I believe.


    Our own body image is sometimes harder to overcome than a healthy diet and exercise. If you took any before photos, look back at them. Look through any old photos. Put them side by side with how you look now. When you can see the comparison of where you started and where you are now... it puts you in the right frame of mind. Good luck to you! Your journey is amazing!!!
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    I had been overweight most of my life (about 20lbs over0. My last semester of college I dropped quite a bit and was the thinnest I had ever been. Everyone thought I was soooo skinny (I have a somewhat larger frame). I STILL felt FAT!!! I kept thinking I could lose more. I kept going back to my old size of a 14, but I was 8-10. I never really adjusted. I wonder what I will do this time!!!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    I can so totally relate!!! This is my 4th time up for weight loss, with the exception - this time I'm making it a lifestyle change. Which is great!! I feel soo much better, have more confidence, clothes actually look good, but I still feel FAT! I'm hoping that after living like this for a while, the FAT personna will slowly fade. That's what I'm betting on!!! However, I listen to the comments people around me have made, and am trying to believe it's true. I do look 'just right'. We are always tougher on ourselves than others are. You've done great!! Stick with it. Always remember how much better you FEEL healthier and at a lower weight. :bigsmile:
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have felt as fat at my lowest weight (160lbs) as I did at my highest (315)
    A lot of times its in our heads. I still havent discoveredhow to overcome this - if anyone has figured it out... let us know!
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    I don't think that feeling EVER goes away completely.....it's hard to adjust to the new you, when you're so used to the You, you've always been....Great job on reaching your goals.....:drinker:
  • SAME! I am confused when my clothes are hanging on me because I feel just as fat as before!
  • billtownsend
    billtownsend Posts: 75 Member
    I lost 130 pounds, it took me a long time to accept that I was slim. I still have the belly fat, the first to come and the last to go, but I am working on it and really I just had to say to myself. You are in so much better shape now. It's something I work on all the time, and it's easier now 2 + years down the road.
  • meeko_meerkat
    meeko_meerkat Posts: 90 Member
    In highschool I lost 23kg, and everyone said I looked amazing and I was so much happier with fitting into my wardrobe, etc. But I still thought of myself as 'the fat girl'. Unfortunately that's a mental adjustment that takes a while. But if you keep looking into the mirror and tell yourself "I love my body and all the changes I've made to look healthy and amazing, and I'm not fat anymore" you will start to believe it. Don't let yourself leave that mirror each day without a smile on your face and in time you'll realize you don't see yourself as the fat person you were (even if you have more weight you want to lose).

  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Heard it takes our brains months to catch up with reality of the weight loss. Congrats on reaching your goal! Fantastic!
  • JeffJohnson26
    JeffJohnson26 Posts: 77 Member
    Did you take any transitional "before", "mid" and "after" photos? I did them the first time I did P90X and I couldn't believe what I saw. You look at yourself in the mirror pretty much everyday, so you don't see the changes that are happening little by little. Try looking at some older photos of yourself and then compare what you see to what you currently see in the mirror. Chances are you'll be pleasantly surprised and I'm sure friends and family are seeing what you don't see just yet.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    CONGRATS ON GETTING TO YOUR GOAL!! That is SO awesome! I am 5'2" and I am worried about my goal of 130-140ish, that it is too low, because I haven't seen a weight like that since high school/college. And after having a child I am not sure....But to hear of someone else "my size" accomplishing it, it's a definate motivator!!

    I think a lot of it is being in the mind set for so long, and seeing what you "felt" like for so long that you have in engrained in your mind conciously and sub-conciously. You haven't let go of the past yet, and you need to find a way to let your "inner skiiny" to come out, and reflect what is on the inside and bring it to the outside too. Get a "make over", your hair, clothes, something that changes the outside of you, DRASTICALLY. So then maybe you will look at yourself a little differently.

    I hope I am a little bit of a help.... :smile:
  • definitelyBrooke
    definitelyBrooke Posts: 2 Member
    Wow. I was just thinking the same thing. I have lost 8-10lbs from my heaviest ever, 146. I'm weighing in at 134 today & I don't believe it. I think my scale is wrong. Even though I'm daily dropping jeans sizes & having to poke holes in belts with knives, I still look at myself and see a fat girl. Maybe 135 is fat...But hey, we're not where we were, so kudos to us. 135 is better than 140. Or 150, so on & so forth. Keep going, you're an inspiration!
  • Yep...same here. I've lost almost 100 and I'm a size 4 (a size I NEVER imagined wearing, I was hoping for a 8 or 10). But, I still see myself as the fat girl. I really struggle to force myself to see my accomplishments of reaching a healthy me and giving myself time to adjust!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    It will definitely take your mind time to work it out. But it will never feel "magic" or drastically different. Another thing worth considering is that 135 is the high end of healthy weights for your height. I'm not encouraging you to lose more if you don't want to but if you felt like you could lose more weight and be happy, then you have the wiggle room.

    I'm 5'2" or 5'3". My initial goal is 135. Ultimate goal is 115-125. I'll decide when I get there. 100-140 is considered a healthy range for me.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It's funny. When I was my ideal weight, I thought I was fat. Then, I became obese, and my goal is to get back to when I thought I was fat. Who knows if I will still feel fat when I get there. I know one thing for sure... never again will I let myself get obese.
  • CMomma23
    CMomma23 Posts: 132 Member
    It will definitely take your mind time to work it out. But it will never feel "magic" or drastically different. Another thing worth considering is that 135 is the high end of healthy weights for your height. I'm not encouraging you to lose more if you don't want to but if you felt like you could lose more weight and be happy, then you have the wiggle room.

    I'm 5'2" or 5'3". My initial goal is 135. Ultimate goal is 115-125. I'll decide when I get there. 100-140 is considered a healthy range for me.

    Exactly! My initial was 145, then 140, then 130. I have an ULTIMATE weight loss goal of 120-125. But, I realize the slower I allow myself to lose it, the more likely I am to keep it off, and I don't feel so stressed and worried with the numbers on the scale. But, I do agree with you completely about being on the high end of the healthy weight. I do want to lose more.