Another post about eating calories back...

I have my daily goal set at 1,310 calories. I'm netting less than that, sometimes 500 or less. Today was my 2nd week of weighing in the exact same. I've only lost 13lbs in 35 days+. At first I heard that I should eat them back, then I was told that since I had "so much stored fat, it would take a lot longer for my body to go into starvation mode" Am I in starvation mode? Am I just being impatient? I am feeling so frustrated, discouraged, upset. I'm burning around 800 cals/day at the gym. How am I supposed to eat 2,100 cals/day, when sometimes I can't get to 1,300?! My diary is public, any advice would be much appreciated.




  • Twitchy109
    I honestly don't feel like it is this complicated. I never heard about eating calories back until I found mfp. Maybe try to find some outside research. Google it maybe. But also just do what is best for your body. That's what counts. Because everyone is different.