M&F Caloric Intake Suggestion vs. MFP Caloric Intake Suggest

I just read in a M&F that they reccomend 12 calories per pound/per day while trying to lose weight. That is WAY more than what MFP is reccomending. I currently weigh 252 and have been "stuck" for about a month now. This new suggestion would equate to 3,024 calories per day. I have been following the MFP reccomended daily allowance for only 1,600 calories (just over half). I'm curious as to what others have to say about this. Especially those who have been successful in dumping fat. I am wondering if this is partially the reason for the scale not budging in recent weeks. What say you?


  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    It depends on other factors:

    1. Your overall activity level
    2. TEF (Thermal effect of feeding)

    If you take your weight and just multiply it by 12. You are essentially telling the formula that are you sedentary all day and barely exercise.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    A generic estimate for maintenance is BW x14-16 so by saying BWx12 to lose is a good estimate IMO.

    The thing is if you have set your loss at 2lbs/week then MFP has estimated your maintenance at 2600cals/day which would indicate to me that you set it at sedentary and very little exercise. Correct?

    Are you eating back exercise cals now? (you should)
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    Yes, I have a desk job so I am pretty sedentary minus the 3-4 times I workout per week. Yes, I eat back my workout calories.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    so after eating back exercise cals are you close to the number of bwx12 then?

    bwx12 is a gross number, MFP's is a net number. Either way though, MFP has estimated your maintenance lower than bwx14-16.
  • Twitchy109
    Maybe you should drop the amount of calories you are consuming or try not eating all of them back? Sometimes your metabolism adjusts and you need to adjust with it.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    If you are stuck, try something different. If it works, great. If not . . . go back or try something else different. What do you have to lose?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Maybe you should drop the amount of calories you are consuming or try not eating all of them back? Sometimes your metabolism adjusts and you need to adjust with it.

    His question is regarding the opposite. MFP has the low number and M&F is suggesting higher.