New girl looking to loose 5kg!

hey guys,

I only joined myfitnesspal a few days ago!
I'm just wondering if anyone has similar goals to me. I am 60.2kg/132lbs and I want to get to around 55kg/120lbs. I am 5'5
Is there anyone on here who has similar goals? its so hard to loose these last kgs!
Looking forward to making a few friends to motivate me :)


  • billtownsend
    billtownsend Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah I am trying to loose that last 10 or 11 pounds too.
    I know what to do, just getting to it is hard.
    Sounds like you will get there too!
  • yazzyy
    yazzyy Posts: 2 Member
    I am exactly your size and have the same goal...
  • k3lly89
    k3lly89 Posts: 67

    I'm 5'1 and currently 49kgs. I started at 53.8kgs, I'm currently trying to tone/lose a little more. Feel free to add me.