Losin' the Eggstra by Easter - 4/3/2009

:flowerforyou: Good morning ladies! :flowerforyou:

I felt the need to start the thread this morning as it's 10am here on the east coast and I haven't seen a post yet. Hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes! :embarassed: :love:

Took the day off yesterday from exercise - so I'm still at 10/17 days...I SHOULD be able to make all 17/17, but that means I have to get in some sort of exercise the next 5 days in a row! It CAN be DONE.

Anyway - my TOM just finished and I decided to step on the scale this morning (my normal weigh-in day) to see :noway: where I was at - WELL - Down another 1.2lbs! :bigsmile: I know my losses have been REALLY small the past 3 weigh-ins, but in all honesty, I'm not too down about it. At least they aren't gains!! :blushing:

That brings me to a total of 2.4lbs lost for this challenge. I think that's only halfway to my goal but we've still got one more week. I plan on knocking it OUT of the park this next week - so here's to a great loss and a HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY! :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:


  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning ladies! :flowerforyou:

    I felt the need to start the thread this morning as it's 10am here on the east coast and I haven't seen a post yet. Hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes! :embarassed: :love:

    Took the day off yesterday from exercise - so I'm still at 10/17 days...I SHOULD be able to make all 17/17, but that means I have to get in some sort of exercise the next 5 days in a row! It CAN be DONE.

    Anyway - my TOM just finished and I decided to step on the scale this morning (my normal weigh-in day) to see :noway: where I was at - WELL - Down another 1.2lbs! :bigsmile: I know my losses have been REALLY small the past 3 weigh-ins, but in all honesty, I'm not too down about it. At least they aren't gains!! :blushing:

    That brings me to a total of 2.4lbs lost for this challenge. I think that's only halfway to my goal but we've still got one more week. I plan on knocking it OUT of the park this next week - so here's to a great loss and a HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY! :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    good morning opera! congratulations on another loss- you're doing great!!

    i've had a busy morning at work so far- so thanks for getting us going! :flowerforyou:

    i also stepped on the scale this morning to make sure that my 3 lb loss i found on monday wasn't a fluke- it wasn't! still at 157! :love:

    i've done 11/17 days so far- so i have 6 more to go this week- lets knock it out!! i have 2 more lbs to go to reach my goal and i'm pretty optimistic-- i can feel my metabolism speeding up, and since i've consciously been drinking more water and calorie cycling, i've been eating less at each snack/meal, but eating more times during the day so i don't get that hunger feeling as badly. does that make sense? somehow i did when i rationalize it with myself :laugh: :laugh:

    anyway, HAPPY FRIDAY! YAH! :love:

    have a happy and healthy weekend everyone!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I haven't exercised since Tuesday, but today is my day off work and I getting ready to do some serious cleaning here at the house so up/down stairs, sweeping mopping, carrying laundry up/down stairs that should all count for something.
    I too got on the scale this morning just to make sure I was still under 220 and yep still at 219!! I am so excited about that. If I don't make my 6# goal for this challenge I won't be too upset, at least I accomplished my "under 220" goal that I had set for March.

    Keep up the good work everyone.

    I am proud of all of you!!!!

    Happy Friday!!

  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Have I ever mentioned that Banks ROCKS? speedmetal.gif

    I had hit the worlds longest plateau and I knew that being in a healthy weight range, FINALLY, it would be tough to lose. But I was working my butt of and getting nowhere. At least I thought I wasn't getting anywhere. But even though the scale didn't move, I lost 4.5% body fat. So I was making progress but I was putting too much emphasis on the scale. I didn't have an HRM I was estimating.....Well I took his advice he gave me when I asked him for advice and I started eating my maintenance calories instead of the deficit calories MFP set up and not logging my exercise. My exercise is my deficit and I lost my last two pounds I had been stuck on :drinker:

    Banksie.......you are awesome!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    So nowwwwwww......I will continue to do that........as now, I have reached my goal weight.....all I wanna do is tone it up a bit so I'm not just skinny but flabby. I want to be skinny but have a little deifinition. :bigsmile: I mean I don't need to be like one of those bodybuilders or perfectly toned but ummmmm no more cellulite or at least minimum cellulite in the tummy area would be lovely :embarassed: :laugh:

    Anyhow.....I just wanted to thank Banks and tell everyone I reached my goal weight that I had actually planned on before changing my goals here. :drinker: And let everyone know.....you can all do this! It takes time, patience, trial, error, and determination...but it can be done :drinker:

    I am soooooooo excited!!! I can't believe I actually reached my goal!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! th_yipee.gifth_yipee.gifth_yipee.gifth_yipee.gif

    Everyone have a loverly day :smooched:
  • sara1027
    sara1027 Posts: 59
    Congrats Kelch!!:drinker: Yesterday was a bad day for me. Went way overboard. Went over on my calories by 1000 and today im paying. My body feels poisoned which is prob a good thing. I didnt get any excercise in yesterday and dont think ill have time today. Guess Ill be hitting the gym hard this weekend. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!:love::heart:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    shrtliff-brush off yesterday and do it right today!

    Kellch - that is INCREDIBLE!!! Way to go and I agree - Banks is the :explode: BOMB!!:happy:

    way to go opera

    shannarose - 3 pounds wowo!

    I am still stuck no loss in past 2 weeks - but I'm still working hard and I'll keep at it.

    So today will be day 12/17 if I exercise - not sure - I hurt my hip a bit running on treadmill last night so it may be a rest day - we'll see how the day progresses.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Thanks all :flowerforyou:

    And way to go!! Just stick to it.......trust me I had MANY MANY bad days :embarassed: But just get back on the plan, put it behind ya, learn from it, and move on :drinker: You can do this :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    OH!! And even if you don't have time for a "scheduled" workout......fit in 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there....it still helps. I used to do little things (actually, I still do) like pushups on the sink in the bathroom after I'm done going potty :blushing: :bigsmile: or a few jumping jacks, jog in place for 5-10 minutes.......you'd be surprised what you can fit in and it does add up :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Finished day 12 of 17 - Biggest Looser Cardio levels 1 2 and 3 WHEW! I am wiped!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    :flowerforyou: WTG everyone! Ya'll are doing so great!

    Congrats Kellch! :flowerforyou: Definitely an inspiration to all of us!

    Chrissyh - great job for stickin with it! :drinker: You'll see the results in no time! Congrats on L1,2, and 3 of BL Cardio! What a great workout!

    shurtliff - Hang in there. We all have our bad days. I was WAY over last weekend and still managed to lose 1.2lbs this week. Just gotta drink up that water :drinker: and sweat out the 'poision'! :laugh: You can do it!

    Hope ya'll all have a GREAT weekend! Congrats to everyone else for your great spirits and support of everyone. One more week to go on this challenge! :glasses:
  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    Thanks all :flowerforyou:

    And way to go!! Just stick to it.......trust me I had MANY MANY bad days :embarassed: But just get back on the plan, put it behind ya, learn from it, and move on :drinker: You can do this :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    OH!! And even if you don't have time for a "scheduled" workout......fit in 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there....it still helps. I used to do little things (actually, I still do) like pushups on the sink in the bathroom after I'm done going potty :blushing: :bigsmile: or a few jumping jacks, jog in place for 5-10 minutes.......you'd be surprised what you can fit in and it does add up :flowerforyou:

    Great Job! I bet it feel SOOOOO darn nice to finally get to where you want to be! :smile: :smile:

    I needed to hear what you said about the 'no scheduled work out' I have been having trouble getting everything done I need to, work, school, exercise etc. It has seemed like exercise has been the first to go...so I need to remember that I can do little things that add up :)
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Opera for starting us off today!!! :flowerforyou:

    And, of course, a big hug and thanks to Kellch for your always encouraging and helpful words!!! :heart:

    I hope everyone has a great weekend full of fun, fitness, and healthy flavor!!!! :flowerforyou: