Questions About Yoga

vraisteele Posts: 7
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi. My name is Vrai. I have been doing this from June, and it works.
I was wondering... Do any of you know anything about Yoga? To do at home?
I know some about it. But not much. =3

Here are my questions:
What does it do?
Can you do it without being all "spiritual?" (No offense.)
Are the exercises easy and quick?
Do you need any special tools?
Do you have to wear special clothes?
Do you have to have a mat?

Thanks to all who reply.


  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    I do yoga at home quite a bit. I have several videos that I rotate between. I do use a mat, but they are pretty cheap. You can wear whatever comfy work out clothes you like. You also don't need to be spiritual about it. The main thing is to quite your mind so you get the full relaxing benefits along with the physical ones. I've tried doing yoga without videos, but I like having someone telling me how long to hold a pose. There are lots of books and cards, if you want to make up your own routine.
  • JennyJacobsen
    JennyJacobsen Posts: 72 Member
    HI I do Yoga on my Wii Fit. I do it for the stretching and flexability. It makes it easier for my medical issues. I don't use a mat but if I need to I just lay a blanket on the floor so I don't get cold, comfy clothes work good too :) Hope that helps U.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I have done yoga at home with videos, Wii Fit, and a book that I checked out from the library.

    To answer your questions:

    Yoga is good for toning and stretching muscles (love it for the stretches!!).
    Only one form of yoga incorporates the meditative (spiritiual) aspects.
    The exercises aren't always easy but you get better at them. You don't want to rush through them. Learn how to do them properly. But a workout doesn't have to take a long time.
    You can get a mat if you want but its not required.
    Looser fitting clothing is probably best.
  • Youtube has some good videos. Yoga stretches out your muscles and will give you a long,lean appearance. I love yoga. One of the biggest tips that I have for doing yoga is to not eat at least 30 minutes before. Yoga massages your internal organs and can make you gassy if you have food on your stomach! LOL
  • davidpm
    davidpm Posts: 208 Member
    What does it do? It works on strength and flexibility. After I do weights and my muscles are sore, yoga is the day that works out that soreness.
    Can you do it without being all "spiritual?" I'm not in the least bit spiritual
    Are the exercises easy and quick? You can do anything from a sun salutation that is 15-20 minutes. Power and Bikhram can go up to 90 minutes
    Do you need any special tools? There are yoga blocks if you're very inflexible or very flexible.
    Do you have to wear special clothes? I just wear comfortable but not too baggy clothes
    Do you have to have a mat? I have a mat. There are some poses that you push on the floor and on a carpet, I'd slide.

    Thanks to all who reply.
  • If you have Netflix type in yoga in a search ...So when I can't make it to the gym I turn on the T.V .Also, I'm really short 5'5 & most pants drag my feet so I wear either ones that are snug at the feet or shorts . It very frustrating pulling at your clothes while trying to focus :)
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    What does it do? Increases flexability, tones, great for easing tired and tight muscles

    Can you do it without being all "spiritual?" (No offense.) I know a lot of people who will not do yoga due to its religious background. Honestly I think you can do it either way. There is nothing in any of my dvds that mention spirits other than "use this time to awaken and revitalize your spirit"

    Are the exercises easy and quick? I do a dvd daily called AM/PM yoga with patricia walden and rodney's 20 in morn and 20 at night. (find it on amazon) that is pretty quick. Easy? At first your body isn't used to moving and stretching ini certain ways but the longer you stick with it the deeper into poses you can get

    Do you need any special tools? They use a strap sometimes to increase stretch...I use the belt off my bathrobe...does the same trick (so will a towel)

    Do you have to wear special clothes? nope. Something comfortable that isn't restrictive....nothing like trying to sit on knees and lean forward (child pose) in a pair of jeans

    Do you have to have a mat? I have a mat for when I go to a class or even outdoors when weather is nice. But when I'm at home I just use the carpeted floors. If you have hard floors I recommend a want to be comfortable
  • wamaverick
    wamaverick Posts: 68 Member
    I have only done a few yoga classes, otherwise I use Netflix Instant Viewing and a few yoga videos I own.

    Yoga Stretches your muslces to give you a long and lean look. Its also very relaxing for me and I use it to help when my muscles get sore and stiff.

    Whenever one my videos says something like focus on your third eye or that stuff I just remember to focus on my God. Or whatever higher governing spirit you have. I find it more of a mediation often than a "prayer"

    The exercises that aren't easy are usually modified. A strap and blocks will help till you get more flexible.

    I have a mat. For a 'strap' I use an old belt and I don't use the blocks any longer but its basically a foam block to help you hold a position for a full stretch till you have greater range of motion. Mats are pretty inexpensive, our Ross Dress for Less has then for $20 most of the time. And a folded towel also helps when you are tight in the hips for sitting on during some stretches.

    I wear non binding clothes like sweats or jammy pants and a t-shirt as you do move a lot.

    And like someone else posted make sure you haven't eaten recently it can upset your stomach.
  • smarthart
    smarthart Posts: 7 Member
    I've been practicing hot yoga for a year. A mat is very helpful to keep your feet from slipping. I would suggest wearing a tight-fitted top so it won't flop over your head during inverted poses. You can do yoga at home with a dvd but I suggest taking a few classes so you can understand how to engage your body during the poses. Yoga is not a static exercise where you simply stand in a pose. A good instructor will show you how to engage your legs, arms and core for a good workout and to avoid injury. Good luck!
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 850 Member
    What does it do?
    Increases mindfulness, flexibility, strength, stamina. Does not build large muscles like a bodybuilder. Does not by itself help you run or cycle long distances.

    Can you do it without being all "spiritual?" (No offense.)
    Yes. The "mindfulness' is secular, it is being aware of yourself and your surroundings. It is a form of meditation and is usually helped along by breathing exercises. Here is some information on mindfulness

    Are the exercises easy and quick?
    The beginning moves are easy. Holding the positions for a certain period of time is desired, seconds or minutes, not hours.

    Do you need any special tools?
    No. That is the neat part. A mat helps (see below)

    Do you have to wear special clothes?
    Loose fitting clothing is best, likes shorts, sweats, and similar. You need traction with your hands and feet for many moves. Bare feet are suggested, I almost always wear sneakers. I have done yoga wearing work clothes, a flannel shirt, belt, jeans, and work boots.

    Do you have to have a mat?
    A mat helps. A rug is OK. Many moves depend on floor friction to move into and hold a position.
  • Wow, thanks guys! You all have totally helped me out. Lots of info to take in. Thank you again. I am seriously considering to starting to do some yoga, so this has been very helpful. Thanks!
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