2nd day new and looking for friends.....

this is my second day on this and am so excited by what I see in the program! What a wonderful way to track everything! My weight has yoyo'd for years. I was once a size five and was probably in the best shape of my life 8 years ago. I've slowly put on an extra 38 pounds and have blossomed into a size 12! I hate shopping, I avoid the swimming pool and have basically let this extra weight dictate my life by avoiding things. I'm looking for motivational friends on here to keep me on track, add me please if interested.....


Thank you!


  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Good luck and Welcome to this wonderful site!
  • Kahlil20002
    Hey good morning and good luck on you process it not easy, but with alot of dedication you can do it.:happy:
  • Spudrick9
    Hello, I know where your coming from...I have been on here for a little over a month or so & love it all...I have been away for a couple of weeks went on a little trip then got busy but I am back now...would love to be your friend all the help & motavation is wonderful & help keeps you interested...I was a little down because I gained a little wait week before last went on a trip to the beach with my bestie & so enjoyed ourselves but I have almost recovered...I have also joined our local TOPS club which is take off pound sensibly & it really helps with the support of friends being there for you...welcome to my fitness pal...PAL...good luck!!!:smile:
  • AzizaBell
    OMG you sound just like me! i was a size 4 at one point, was up to a size 12 at my biggest. i have lost 29 pounds and i am a size 6 and trying to lose my last 8. i have been on this website for awhile, but over the summer i didn't post much and a lot of the friends i had are no longer on or left me . . . i'd love to motivate you and get some motivation in return. feel free to friend me. this is a GREAT website - so easy to track food, calories and exercise.
  • soonerchick14
    soonerchick14 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • trueboo
    trueboo Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! I'm new here too, just a few days but it's already been a Godsend. Good luck with everything, feel free to friend me or message me and we can support each other, I have about the same amount to lose. :)
  • nonconformist1
    nonconformist1 Posts: 31 Member
    I have only been here for a week or so and I find having "friends" is very motivating. It is also very insirational to read success stories and others' struggles. We all have good and bad days. One day at a time and we will get there. Friend me and we can motivate each other.
  • NJ1975
    NJ1975 Posts: 4
    Good luck. I am looking for friends as well as motivation!