Whats your binge style and whats the best way you combat it

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
I am a night binger and my binge style is that I go back and forth salty then sweet until I am stuffed, My brains just talks to me and says I want something salty now i need something sweet and I just go from there. I have found for me the best way to combat my binge is to not let one little morsel hit my lips, it's a slippery slope after that. What about you?


  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I try not to fight binges...I just give in and eat whatever, then I work it off at the gym later. Like last night, I wanted something deep fried, so I had some chicken tenders that I fried in some GREASE(sounds good saying that). Now I am gonna spend my lunchtime today working it off. Binge=1, Willpower=0
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I typically binge on LOTS of sweet and then have to finish off with salty! :tongue:
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    It's tough ~ I'm definitely a stress binger in particular.....I have to physically remove myself from the source! If I can leave the house or stay away from a store or drive through, I can usually distract myself. If I'm able, going to the gym to work off my frustration is about the only way to get rid of it! Doesn't happen at night with kids in bed though~:frown: It helps if I go into my room and read (where there is no food) ~ good luck, and hang in there!
  • ReachForward
    I crave sweets/carbs when I'm emotional. Once I get started I don't stop. So it's best to keep it out of the house if possible and stay out of the kitchen at work if they have something tempting in there.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I don't have a specific binge style, but my means of binging is to not keep pre-packaged food in the house. If i can't cook it in the microwave I am unlikely to eat when i'm not hungry. HOWEVER if there is pizza in the house (leftovers or something) forget it! i haven't had a pizza binge in a while but it normally starts with "i'm going to order a pizza and clean the house" or "i'm going to order a pizza and study." Late night study sessions or all day cleaning is bad for food intake, but I don't feel too bad about them because they generally assist in my productivity (or that's what I tell myself anyway)
  • saudade87
    it's so hard not to give in, but mostly i find that i binge when i'm bored. i'm not hungry at all...
    so i try to do something constructive, like cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning ANYTHING to get my mind off food.
    if i really do need something, i have a skinny cow ice cream, or if i need something salty, some 95% fat free popcorn, or pop some corn myself.
    i feel that if i do give in, it is a very hard slippery slope as well for me. i've battled an eating disorder as a teenager, and luckily, my boyfriend knows what to do/ interventions when i get bad. no matter how hard i scream, he wont give in, and thank god for that.
    emmy, i wish you the best of luck, its a hard road...
  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    I binge emotionally.. after a crap day, but lately I've been working out instead of eating!! But previously (and Im probably not cured for life) I would eat whatever I was craving and eat it until it is completely gone... a whole box of cookies, or granola bars, or crackers, or a loaf of bread smothered in butter or peanut butter..
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    It only happens when I have been feeling hungry & empty for too long.... Then, if I am dumb enough to have some cheese in the house - FORGET ABOUT IT!!!! You would think I would know better by now....
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I eat and eat anything that sounds good and think to myself I'll wrry about it later. Or I'll be better the next day. But once I start I can't stop! Once I have one bad day it usually leads to another! OK, it ALWAYS leads to another! If I have one of something I always want more and can't control it. So I find that if I have nothing at all, that works best for me!
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    I am a night binger and my binge style is that I go back and forth salty then sweet until I am stuffed, My brains just talks to me and says I want something salty now i need something sweet and I just go from there. I have found for me the best way to combat my binge is to not let one little morsel hit my lips, it's a slippery slope after that. What about you?

    Me. Exactly.

    raisins and chocolate chips, to potato chips, back to raisins and chocolate, add in a few nuts, a few more pieces of chocolate, oooo a pretzel.

    It is hard to combat, some nights I will have iron clad will power, other nights I am able to talk myself down from it with some effort, other nights the binge overpowers my head.
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    My binges are happening quite frecently once or twice a week, ive look on mfp app and i see that ive gone way in the red for a couple times a week, i have already binged momday so hoping not to for the rest of the week. Mine starts in the moring n lasts the whole day, anything thats in the housemainly bread, cereal, nutella if there is, i never go to the shops to get anythng unless i happen to be out.

    I havent found whatworks best maybe ill just goout of the ouse asi nirmally dont want to eat if im out alone. Or see a friend
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    it's so hard not to give in, but mostly i find that i binge when i'm bored. i'm not hungry at all...

    This is me too. Normally happens when I have no plans and am in the house on my own watching rubbish on TV that isn't holding my brain. I'll end up back and forth eating whatever takes 2 seconds to get...slice of bread and butter, packet of crisps, a few biscuits etc

    I also binge on comfort food like toad in the hole, roast dinners. Especially if I've had a bad tough day, my brain starts working on me early "don't go to the gym, go home have a bath and eat a nice big yorkshire pudding". This voice is a hard one to beat
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    I dont have a certain style but once i start i cant stop and it will continue for the next couple days. I know that if i wait too long to eat or im really sad about something i binge like crazy. My trigger foods are peanut butter, and mexican food. At first i didnt really think i had a problem but when i realized that i would eat eat eat eat because i was emotional i realized that something had to change and my body doenst deserve it. I have been able to stay away from binging for a while now the closer i get to my goal weight, but still do have small binges where i start and stop and think what am i doing im going to regret this and am able to distract myself and stop before ive really messed up. It really is a constant battle and good luck to everyone you all are doing great! "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" :)