Costume Changers Forum (Week 6 - eek!!!)

Ladies and gents! This is the LAST WEEK of our Costume Changers challenge - can you believe it?! :-o I can't! This is your final forum (sniff)... enjoy it. :) Can't wait to see your check-ins from this week. Keep up the amazing work!


  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Still plugging away at the challenge. I'll really have to push it to get to 100, but I think I can do it! I know your challenge has pushed me farther than I would have gone by myself. Thank you for organizing this and pushing us to be better 'us-es'!

    76.24 miles so far
    6.2 pounds lost
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member

    It has gone by really quick.

    I have a facebook challenge that will begin on November 1 for the month. I would love for more of us to join it. It's called Thankful to Be Fit. It will be daily fitness challenges with weekly food challenges. Just for fun and a simple way to stay accountable.

    As for this one, I made the weight goal and thought the distance would be no issue until I got sick yesterday and have ZERO energy. Trying to get better for my 5K this weekend.

    We'll see. Maybe I can log some miles on the bike instead. Not sure yet.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    And yes, a Huge Thank You for organizing this. It has been awesome!
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i cant belive its almost over :( i need to find another challenge soon .. ive loved every min of this
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Only 1lb from the goal :happy: Thanks so much for organising this. It has definatley kept me on the right path :flowerforyou:
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    Good morning! I can't believe this is the last week!!! This has been an amazing challenge for me. It really got me kick-started on my journey. I'm trying to finish just as strong as I can. I have joined a couple of challenges in the past (years ago) and quit after the first week. I met both of my goals with a week left. You don't have any idea how excited I was. Thank you for this wonderful challenge. I'm now a couple of weeks into my New Year's challenge and having the overlap was awesome. I really feel like I've been given another chance. I can do this!!!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Wow October has just flown by....last week was a very long and stressful week. Seemed like there was some new problem at work every day and the weather turned cold so I did not get a lot of miles in. It was also that TOM so I did not drop any pounds. I'm still about 2 pounds away from my goal for this challenge. I'm over 300 miles for the month between biking, walking, and the elliptical. Too bad the pounds don't drop as easy as the miles seem to add up.

    Any thoughts on running another challenge as this has been awesome!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I need to drop four pounds to hit my goal. That might be doable (I think I'm holding onto some water, and hopefully a week of fairly clean eating and really watching those calories will go a long way!). I won't be disappointed if I don't hit it, though. I know I'll be close, and I've had change in the right direction, regardless of whether it was enough.

    Good luck to everyone! Get it done this week!
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Woohoo! Lost 2.5 lbs this week but I'm not doing well at all with my miles lol. I don't think that I'll make it to my goal but I guess there is always a chance! I'll be happy with any kind of a loss this week with it being halloween and all!
    ~ Jamie
  • Sorry I didn't get my weigh in yesterday. I'm happy with it though! :) Especially since a mini vaca was in the mix. 12+ hours walking around Disney is a great workout minus the Mickey ice cream bar I had to have. LOL

  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    I was wondering what happened to this challenge!! Down 3.2 lbs this week...:smile:
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    I HAVE REACHED MY COSTUME CHANGERS WEIGHT GOAL! sorry about the capitals...bit excited, lol
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    I HAVE REACHED MY COSTUME CHANGERS WEIGHT GOAL! sorry about the capitals...bit excited, lol

    Great Job!!!!
  • sarabhorton
    sarabhorton Posts: 27 Member
    This week was difficult for me. I only lost .5 pound and didn't feel up to getting my miles in. Here's to a strong finish. I have 1 pound to go and have already exceeded the 100 miles. Hoping to get to 200 by Monday!
    Have a great last week everyone!
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I am getting it done...or trying too :)

    You know I just realized that I was only logging my miles for the challenge when I "went out" for walks. By the steps I take...I walk at least a mile a day on top of that. Should I go redo my miles on the spreadsheet or should I only count the "walks"?
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I HAVE REACHED MY COSTUME CHANGERS WEIGHT GOAL! sorry about the capitals...bit excited, lol

    That is so great :) Congrats
  • sarabhorton
    sarabhorton Posts: 27 Member
    Oh my gosh, I am spinning like a crazy person trying to get these last miles in! ROFL!
    Nothing like a challenge to provide motivation.
    Weight is down, so if I can just get these last miles in, I will have met the goals! YAYYYY!

    Please tell me we are going to do a Christmas challenge like this ....
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Well down to the wire and will not reach goal weight. I had a rough week with snacking. Not sure why, but I need to get back on track. I am still getting in the miles and am excited about that part of it. Considering that i was on vacation for 29 days during this challenge, I feel pretty happy about what I accomplished. Thanks for putting this together Elana. Will check in on Tuesday morning. Carla
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    I had a blast on this challenge. I got my miles in, all "fitness walking" miles. I didn't reach my weight goal but and eagerly pleased about it all. Thank you for having this challenge. I learned a lot...

    The First 50 miles I learned:
    For me, it is easier to do a long walk in the morning.
    I deserve to have the time to exercise.
    All I seemed to think about when I walked was concentrate on getting to the first 50 miles.
    People drop a lot of money in the street. Much more profitable to walk in the street than on the sidewalk.
    There are a lot of screws and nails in the road too, keep your spare tire on your car inflated.

    The second 50 miles I learned:
    Red Tailed Hawks hunt in the afternoon.
    Great Blue Herons are nearly silent when they take off and fly overhead.
    Owls are more prominent than I thought in my neighborhood.
    My hips like a 4 mile walk broken into two -2 mile walks, but my lower back and glutes like a 4 mile walk all together.
    A lot of folks in my neighborhood stay home and are friendly, some are even a little lonely and appreciate you walking by and greeting them.

    So it seemed once I got to the halfway mark, I relaxed and really got tuned in to lots of great things beyond myself.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    Happy to say i beat BOTH my goals :D feels amazing to me