Too many carbs a day?

I've been doing a little research on carbohydrates in weight loss and realize how important it is to keep them low to be successful. My question, MFP recommends for to me be eating 200+ carbs a day, and I have my exercise set on low because some weeks I just don't have time to get to the gym as much as I'd like. Everything I've been reading tells me that carbs should be kept around 100-150 per day for maintenance and under 100 for weight loss. I eat a very healthy diet but when I add on fruit. granola to my yogurt, a whole wheat wrap with lunch and others my carbs tend to get up around the 170-180 range. I just don't know if that should be a concern to me or what. I've been losing somewhat steady but not as much I thought. Thanks for the help.


  • You don't have to keep them low to be successful
  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    i guess this falls under the same spectrum sugars do, i easily double my carb intake and i only eat veggies! I read somewhere that carbs from veggies and plant foods "burn" slower so they're better cause theres no energy crash but i wouldnt mind an expert opinion either :)
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm not an expert but as long as they are "healthy" carbs I think you need them to be in the range you are eating. Plus when you do exercise I think you need more. I also believe being a man you need more than a woman would. Good luck to you.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Starchy carbs are what is bad. But you can still have them in moderation. Carbs from fresh fuits and veggies, whole grains are good for you. Remember the more processed a food is the less health benefits it has to offer!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    you only have to maintain a caloric deficit to lose weight. saying this, I think you can help yourself by choosing more natural carbs over processed carbs and refined sugars. part of the problem with processed foods is that they contain more sodium, which helps you retain water, which isn't great for weight loss. additionally, if you eat foods with a mid to high gylcemic index value, you're more likely to have a craving for more sugary food because of the insulin spike. so, while you don't need to limit your carbs, it does help to eat certain types of least a majority of the time.
  • marzbars119
    marzbars119 Posts: 1 Member
    I wonder about this as well. I read a lot about the paleo diet and that makes a lot of sense to me. I just am operating under the rule of trying to cut down on carbs. For example, I'm working on not having cereal for breakfast. I find that I am less hungry when I keep my carbs low so that helps me keep my portions in check. Good luck!
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I don't worry about the carbs, usually have a hard time eating recommend amount. What seems to work for me is plenty of water, watch sodium closely, lots of fiber and protein. (and exercise :) find a variety of things you like and do them)
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    According to my Food and Nutrition professor you have to keep your carbs above 120 for proper brain function anything under 120 can hurt your brain function.
  • You don't have to keep them low to be successful

    Nope, you sure don't. I pig out on GOOD carbs every day and keep my fat low and protein kinda low too. I walk 5-6 days a week, 3-5 miles a day, have amazing stamina, and weigh 115 pounds at 5'7".
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Have you been reading Mark's Daily Apple by any chance?? Those numbers look familiar!! :bigsmile:

    I think it depends on how you metabolize these types of husband can eat huge amounts of carbs and do a slight increase in activity and lose weight...on the other hand, I tend to have much better results keeping my carbs low (which hasn't been happening for me lately due to apple picking season and the resulting baking frenzy...haha!). I get fewer cravings and never feel hungry that way.

    My advice: keep doing what you're doing now and keep your calories at goal. See how hungry this makes you and if you lose weight or not. Are you finding you get starving in between meals? Is the scale staying put? If yes, try cutting the carbs back in favor of more healthy fats and protein. If you do decide to cut back on the carbs, read up on carb flu as this can be very frustrating for some folks if they don't know what's happening.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Calories vs TDEE are what gives you results. Eat all the carbs you want, both refined and complex...doesn't matter as long as you don't go over your TDEE (if your goal is losing weight). Worst case scenario is you get a little water weight which will in turn pass.