Feeling super anxious…

Feeling super anxious…

My family is coming to visit, and my bro already told me all the places he wants to go eat to.
I’m terrified ‘cause I really want to be with them, but he always makes super unhealthy choices, I have a strong willpower and I don’t eat anything I’m not supposed to, but that doesn’t mean at all that I don’t crave junk food! So, is torture for me to just watch, and I don’t want to be annoying and tell the waiters all the stuff they should modify for me to be able to eat something.

I told him there were a couple of places that I wouldn’t want to visit in hopes he will pick something else, and he just told me he is taking my kids and my mom and I can stay in the house with my youngest??? Seriously I wasn’t expecting that answer.
My mom is super sweet and bought me a ton of my favorite candies from back home, and I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want to even look at them! :(

I’ve been working super hard, and I don’t know what to do.
I should be happy but I don’t want to ruin what I’ve accomplished so far cause it’s costing me blood, sweat and tears, and I’M SO CLOSE NOW!

I’ve been called lately all sorts of things: obsessive, apprehensive, crazy, etc, but really this is what makes me happy, seeing how I’ve been able to transform my body, how I’m a lot healthier than I used to be, it’s really not a trend for me

Any suggestions?


  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Do a binge weekend and then get back on track. Always makes me feel better, and oddly enough I usually lose more weight the folowing week than expected.
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Yeah, tell him to piss off. They're your kids, it's part of your life as well. Just be honest with them. Tell them you are concerned about your health and you need to make good decisions. If that isn't good enough, ask the waiter to modify it. For the most part it's not a big deal for them to make adjustments on the meals. It's not like you're asking for a filet mignon to take the place of a bowl of vegetables.
  • LisaM_9
    LisaM_9 Posts: 75 Member
    So been really trying to watch what I am eating as well, and have always LOVED eating out, and all the amazing bad foods you can have! :-) Makes me anxious everytime too. But if you can look ahead, so if he tells you were he wants to go, don't say anything. Take a look at the menu before you go there usually can online, and figure out what your options are. Maybe would help with the tensions. You need to keep true to yourself but that may help a little.

    Another thing I do do, if I am gonna splurge with what I am eating, I plan an extra workout that day to help compensate for that overindulgence...

    Candy... especially chocolate, is my downfall, and having a bunch in the house... is not good. Can you put the candy in the freezer, and as soon as they leave, bring it to work or give it to someone else. Freezer... out of sight at least and hard to eat!...

    Try to enjoy them, many times food becomes the middle of the events, but if you can ease your tensions by figuring out your options ahead that may help.
  • cweenie08
    cweenie08 Posts: 7 Member
    first of all, coming from someone who is currently struggling with anorexia, don't let food control your life! it's okay to have things in moderation! if you are going out to a restaurant that you think you might be tempted to indulge at, then go in with a plan. check out the menu, order a healthy salad, and allow yourself a treat(piece of garlic bread, a few french fries, a chicken wing, a small slice of cake etc) it's perfectly okay to allow yourself to enjoy the things that aren't the healthiest. if you happen to eat over your calorie count, don't stress about it. adjust the rest of your week to off set the extra calories and continue on.

    as for everything that your family is tempting you with, it's okay to turn it down. or, you can accept the candies she's offering and re-gift them to friends and co-workers who will surely appreciate them. it's holiday season anyways and you can bring them into school or the office and share the load. but, again, it's okay to have a chocolate bar or a bit of something sweet. just add it into your daily calorie count.

    best of luck with everything. don't let the anxiety get to you. enjoy what you eat and indulge occasionally. your body deserves it! :)
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
    I feel your anxiety. I suffer the same situation every time I get together with my family. About 2 weeks ago I went to visit my parents and my dad invited us to dinner at this brazillian style meat place, it was like an all-you-can-eat buffet with lots of really good meat... and a full "salad" bar. NOTHING was low calorie there, not even the salads! Unfortunately, I ate about 2 days worth of calories in one evening BUT, I did fill up with a lot less food than I would have in the past and I didn't keep eating just for the heck of it. I even felt my dad was a little disappointed because I didn't eat to his expectations. The point of this story is that I realized I have been able to change better my body so that it can't take in so much food and I can have control over food and not the other way around. It will be a challenge but my only suggestion is extreme portion control. Good luck!