No will power with wine - give up completely?

I am considering giving up wine completely until my mini-goal (my birthday on nov. 19th) - it puts me over almost everytime I drink because I can't stop at just one glass. I never get drunk, but when I'm at a dinner party or entertaining at my house, I find it really hard to limit myself. I am so careful with food intake and I eat a healthy diet.

I think I may just be an all or nothing type when it comes to calories from wine.

I'm going to start brining sparkling water to dinner parties and just not even having one glass.


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    wine IS THE ONE THING i will not give up. I need it for my sanity :)
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    I've given up vodka drinks for the same reason! I stick to beer or wine these days, but often times at parties I just sip flavored sparkling water in a cup, and I feel just as festive!
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    I love my wine as well. I fit it in my diary fine with exercise etc, but if I have more than one glass-all self control is gone. I drink the bottle(and uncork more if I have it in the house) and then start ransacking the cupboards for food. It.Is.Ridiculous. I'm thinking I should abstain til Thanksgiving and take it from there...
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Two things:

    1] if you love something, don't give it up. That's lame.

    2] if you're only drinking it at parties or while out with friends, workout extra that day and enjoy the wine.

    Bonus third thing:

    Seriously, if being fit is important to you, you'll find a way to make it work.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I LOVE wine. Thing is, I see the calories in it and it is kind of hard to work it in, speaking for myself only. I did decide when I get to certain goals, I am going to drink a whole bottle. YUP. WHOLE thing. All my myself. :bigsmile:
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    Just drink a small glass! It's all you need!
  • schivis
    schivis Posts: 16 Member
    That 's at I did. No wine till I hit my goal weight (although I did have a binge weekend). I think I'll borrow your sparkling water idea plus I have added tea to my regime. Good luck!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Wine is definatley one of my downfalls, I definatley agree that it aids my sanity as well. It's like I feel bad for the rest of the wine in the bottle, I don't want it to feel left out lol. I just make sure I excercise a bit more on days I know I'm going to indulge.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Turn 6-8 oz into 4 glasses by adding Diet Sprite to it and making a wine spritzer....just a suggestion.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I say have the wine and do more cardio that day. Being tipsy makes the elliptical kinda fun, anyway :)
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    wine IS THE ONE THING i will not give up. I need it for my sanity :)

    Agreed! I drink wine by the bottle, not the glass. On days when I know I'll be drinking, I'll put the cals into my food diary right away, eat lesser calorie foods, work out 20 mins longer, and drink a lot more water.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    I totally understand what you are going through! We make wine and that makes it even worse for me! I really have to fight to keep control of the food urges and I'll be honest, I don't always succeed. Last night I wanted to open the Halloween candy & eat the Almond Joys, but I didn't:happy: I'm not going to give it up though. I do log it.
  • vsmith1981
    vsmith1981 Posts: 44 Member
    wine IS THE ONE THING i will not give up. I need it for my sanity :)

    Agreed! I drink wine by the bottle, not the glass. On days when I know I'll be drinking, I'll put the cals into my food diary right away, eat lesser calorie foods, work out 20 mins longer, and drink a lot more water.

    Oh that is a good idea - putting it into my calories right away. Also I didnt realize there was such a big difference between red and white - I like both, but have been drinking more white with summer temperatures and foods, maybe moving into red will help. 530 for a bottle of red?
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I am considering giving up wine completely until my mini-goal (my birthday on nov. 19th) - it puts me over almost everytime I drink because I can't stop at just one glass. I never get drunk, but when I'm at a dinner party or entertaining at my house, I find it really hard to limit myself. I am so careful with food intake and I eat a healthy diet.

    I think I may just be an all or nothing type when it comes to calories from wine.

    I'm going to start brining sparkling water to dinner parties and just not even having one glass.

    My sister's birthday is the 19th! And mine is the 13th. :) I am trying to not drink wine until my birthday too. It's so hard. We keep wine in the house. When I am home, if I really want a glass I actually measure out like 6 oz and then force my BF to drink the rest or cork it and put it in the fridge. I love big bold reds, so I could drink the whole bottle myself!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I'm the same. Just don't buy it. don't keep it around. there is no other solution. :)
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    wine IS THE ONE THING i will not give up. I need it for my sanity :)

    Agreed! I drink wine by the bottle, not the glass. On days when I know I'll be drinking, I'll put the cals into my food diary right away, eat lesser calorie foods, work out 20 mins longer, and drink a lot more water.

    Oh that is a good idea - putting it into my calories right away. Also I didnt realize there was such a big difference between red and white - I like both, but have been drinking more white with summer temperatures and foods, maybe moving into red will help. 530 for a bottle of red?

    I drink the menage a trios red wine which has 102 calories per 5oz. There are about 25 oz in a bottle so I'm looking at about 510 calories. I didn't find it in the database, but the one that they have in there is close enough.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I love wine. I probably drink half a bottle a day on average (a glass with dinner and a glass after), which works out to around 300 calories. I just make small adjustments in my meals throughout the day to accomodate for the extra calories. That's 100 calories less per meal, or just skipping snacks for the day. When I break it down that way, it's easy for me to make it work.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am considering giving up wine completely until my mini-goal (my birthday on nov. 19th) - it puts me over almost everytime I drink because I can't stop at just one glass. I never get drunk, but when I'm at a dinner party or entertaining at my house, I find it really hard to limit myself. I am so careful with food intake and I eat a healthy diet.

    I think I may just be an all or nothing type when it comes to calories from wine.

    I'm going to start brining sparkling water to dinner parties and just not even having one glass.

    If you are only going to give it up until you reach a mini-goal what do you think will happen after that and you begin drinking it again?

    I would suggest either working out more to earn the extra wine calories (my personal preference) or try making sangria with diet drinks (fruit slices and diet sprike/7-up and/or diet cranberry juice). By mixing the wine with low/no cal mixers you can drink twice as many glasses for the same calories.

    You could also alternate a glass wine then a glass of water when drinking.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I have this problem with cereal. I did just have to give it up. Thankfuly I'm ok with wine. Whiskey is another matter.
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    wine IS THE ONE THING i will not give up. I need it for my sanity :)

    Agreed! I drink wine by the bottle, not the glass. On days when I know I'll be drinking, I'll put the cals into my food diary right away, eat lesser calorie foods, work out 20 mins longer, and drink a lot more water.

    I think we may have been separated at birth.......