Quitting smoking and weight gain

I have been quit for only 3 and a half weeks and I think I have the not wanting a smoke under control... Its the weight gain... It's killing me. I have been watching my calorie intake but it's not helping... Well I'm sure it is helping in that I would have gained back more if I hadn't been doing it. I do notice I want to be snacking constantly... bite size candy and chocolate, chips and popcorn (yes, my popcorn has butter on it. LOL) It took me about 3 days to realize that I was doing this and now because I know it's just a result of quitting I do not let myself. So any one going through or have gone through quitting smoking? Any helpful hints on how not to gain weight? And MOST IMPORTANTLY how not to get discouraged when you see the pounds going back on and everything fitting tighter and tighter? :frown:


  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    When I gave up I drank a LOT of water, that helped. If I felt a craving coming on I'd get out of the house & go for a walk or just find some way of moving to keep myself occupied.
    When you feel like a cigarette or food, distract yourself.

    Good luck, I understand how hard it can be but it's worth it! :happy:
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Congrats on the 3 1/2 weeks smoke free! I am going on 3 weeks myself. I am finding I have the urge to snack all day. So for me, I trying some deep breathing for a few minutes and urge goes away. Another thing I do is try to drink more water and have some healthier snacks around. I know our taste buds are growing back and so everything taste much better but you have to remember that just because things taste better, you still have to use calorie, portion control and keep moving. Weight gain is common but don't let it get the best of you. Keep trying different methods to keep your weight in control. The way I see it, everything is considered a healthier lifestyle and you just have to keep working it.
  • Definitely needed to see this, thanks. I realized today I can no longer financially afford to smoke and I HAVE to quit cold turkey. Can't afford the patches. So, I've been sittin here wondering how the hell I was ganna quit smoking and not gain any weight back. I will be checking in here often for more suggestions and ideas!!
  • dragonz11
    dragonz11 Posts: 57 Member
    A www I feel for u,I gave up smoking last may and man I ate all the time I gained 12kgs thin I decided enough was enough and just started finding things to do instead off eating liking going for a walk or get in the garden if ya can,go visit a non smoking friend ect,I've now dropped that 12kgs thx to mfp :-) good luck I know u can do
  • hey

    its soo good to hear it not just me!!!1 im off them 2 and a half weeks and omg ive been getting dizzy with hunger maybe 2 hours after a meal(not normal) and then when i eat i keep eating until i feel sick like my old habits that got me overweight!!!!! i was eating so bad that i didnt log on mfp, today i started back logging and felt more in control........ suppose it better to be up a few pounds with a healthy set of lungs than a lighter version with a unhealthy set of lungs!

    gonna replace chocolate with apples and water this week!!!!!!
  • anodal
    anodal Posts: 1 Member
    Well Thank you! Now i don't feel so alone in this venture. I have never been very big on chocolate bars as a snack, i was the type of girl that went for the big piece of cake; but after i started reducing my cigarette intake (i'm down to four a day from a full pack) the only thing i crave is bite size chocoalte candy. i will get rid of the stash in my desk and buy healthier snacks. and i will start writing my foods un mfp even if they are not pretty. i stopped just so i didn't have to face the whopping number of calories i am taking in.
  • allieshaw
    allieshaw Posts: 55 Member
    Hey ladies...I am on month 4 and BOY did I gain weight. 20 LBS in 2 months! EEEEEK! :explode:


    I went into it knowing I was going to gain so it wasnt a shocker. However, now I am on the prowl to lose these LBS!!

    Good luck and remember "Healthy Body...Healthy Mind!"
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Hey ladies...I am on month 4 and BOY did I gain weight. 20 LBS in 2 months! EEEEEK! :explode:


    I went into it knowing I was going to gain so it wasnt a shocker. However, now I am on the prowl to lose these LBS!!

    Good luck and remember "Healthy Body...Healthy Mind!"

    Hi there. Same here, I gave up on 1st September, a month and a half ago, and have already put on 30lb, which is why I have joined this. Ive gone from a size 10 to size 16 and nothing fits me. Good luck, at least weve given up the cigarettes!!! Good luck to everybody!
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Congrats on quitting! I know it is really hard, but your body will thank you for it! I quit smoking 6 months ago, and I gained weight... it's almost impossible not to! I wouldn't worry about it too much though. Focus on not smoking first! It's hard to diet while quitting, and you may sabatoge yourself if you stress about it too much. Also, save the money you would have spent on smokes so that you can buy yourself something nice as a reward :wink:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I quit 3 weeks ago (using the patch) and so far no weight gain...I haven't changed my food/exercise habits at all.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    When I gave up I drank a LOT of water, that helped. If I felt a craving coming on I'd get out of the house & go for a walk or just find some way of moving to keep myself occupied.
    When you feel like a cigarette or food, distract yourself.

    Good luck, I understand how hard it can be but it's worth it! :happy:

    ^^^ This. . It is hard, but you can do it. . I also used Walmarts version of the Nicoderm CQ 3-step patch when I quit. . It worked wonders. . I wish you the best of luck!:bigsmile:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I quit 3 weeks ago (using the patch) and so far no weight gain...I haven't changed my food/exercise habits at all.

    I am very much afraid (terrified even) of gaining weight back if I quit smoking... I've lost over 50lbs since I started my weight loss journey, and I really don't want to have to back track... is it common for people to gain weight when they quit, even if they continue eating healthy and exercising as usual? I hope not...
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I gained 80 pounds as a smoker, and have lost over 50 as an ex/non-smoker. So, it's definately possible to kick those weight gain statistics in the butt!

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    I quit 3 weeks ago (using the patch) and so far no weight gain...I haven't changed my food/exercise habits at all.

    I am very much afraid (terrified even) of gaining weight back if I quit smoking... I've lost over 50lbs since I started my weight loss journey, and I really don't want to have to back track... is it common for people to gain weight when they quit, even if they continue eating healthy and exercising as usual? I hope not...
    I don't think you'll gain if you keep everything else the same. The reason I gained weight is because I ate a lot more.
  • ladycasper
    ladycasper Posts: 16 Member
    Just reading all the replies is inspiring. I am now up almost 10lb but it's been 5 weeks and I haven't even had a drag.

    Things that aren't helping the weight gain at the moment... a combination of PMS and Halloween. The chocolate and candy are everywhere... it truly is a scary Halloween... :devil: LOL Hopefully the Halloween treats will be gone by the end of this week... about the same time my bloating is. :happy:

    I have started drinking more water and eating apples.... I was using the e-smoke (nicotine free) for the first while... now I only use it when I feel a stronger craving come on (usually when having a drink or 2)... I have tried the patch in the past but it didn't stick... I also tried zyban but again it didn't last. I have quit cold turkey twice. Each time I stayed quit for 3 years. (I know so stupid for starting again) It always seamed to be stress of some sort that would get me to put a stupid smoke to my lips. If I remember correctly I gained about 15lb each time I quit cold turkey.... but at that time I wasn't watching my weight as I had no need to... you know that wonderful age where you can eat what ever you want, gain 20lb and in 2 days it's gone. O to have that again. Ok enough dreaming. LOL Just have to know that a bit of weight gain when quitting is normal and the only way not to gain is to kick the dust off my elliptical so I can get on it... :smile:

    Wish me luck in my struggle as I wish you all luck in yours.
    I'll check back in a few weeks and let you know how I'm doing.
    Thanks again to all of you
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm happy to hear that you have stayed strong! YAY!!!
  • ladycasper
    ladycasper Posts: 16 Member
    So it has been 13 or 14 weeks I think..... and not a drag!!!!! I think I have only gained 5lb total... but I haven't checked the weight since before Christmas and all the dinners, treats etc... etc... so I guess in the new year I will try to get rid of that 5lb as well as the other 5 to 10lb that I wanted to lose before I quit. But at least I don't smell like smoke :) I hated that smell.

    P.S. Thanks for all your support