Ready to shed baby weight!

Hello to all! I'm a mom of three,have hit the wall and ready to shed baby weight. My Fitness Pal was suggested to me from a friend and now I'm hooked. I love being able to track my daily food intake and see how daily fitness work together. I truly believe this is just what I needed. I look forward to seeing if I am able to stick to the plan and achieve my goal. Good Luck to everyone else as well. Your stories are inspiring!


  • juliesmith
    Hello to all! I'm a mom of three,have hit the wall and ready to shed baby weight. My Fitness Pal was suggested to me from a friend and now I'm hooked. I love being able to track my daily food intake and see how daily fitness work together. I truly believe this is just what I needed. I look forward to seeing if I am able to stick to the plan and achieve my goal. Good Luck to everyone else as well. Your stories are inspiring!
  • rmcisneros99
    Welcome Julie! You'll be surprised at what you CAN do once you put your mind (heart and soul) into it. There's no looking forward to the possibly, you CAN do it. The key (and secret) is to not torture yourself and by that I mean don't deprive yourself. Drink all of your daily water, exercise and follow a sensible diet. For more information, I highly suggest that you read - YOU: On a Diet (A Guide to Waist Management) - it's a fantastic book. Out!
  • juliesmith
    Thanks for the feedback! Any little extra boost helps! Good Luck to you!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome MFP, the greatest website ever. You will love it here. I do. I find this site so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::flowerforyou: :smile:
  • juliesmith
    Thanks for the welcome! Congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    welcome and best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • juliesmith
    Wow! Congratulations on your weight loss! What an accomplishment. You will look great on wedding day!
    I'm down 11 lbs now, only 24 more to go.