Here I Go Again

This is my 1.5 trillionth time using MFP. Give or take a few. I'd love some friends but I'm kind of picky about the friendships I form. I need: people who believe in moderation, who aren't going to holler if they see I logged a less then perfect day. People who understand if I don't respond each day and understand if other days I post 25 times.

I'm willing to offer: support , encouragements, cheers, consistency in tracking (that I will do every single day), a shoulder to cry on (virtually of course) and someone who understands that we need to take this hour by hour.

I have a lot of weight to lose, I'm taking it slow and steady. I have two children, two cats, two hermit crabs and a hubby. I'd love to make some new friends and I bet even find some of my old MFP friends from one of my previous gazillion attempts! And you can be assured I'm sticking around this time - I've discovered the freedom of mobile apps ;)


  • kjwickman
    You sound like me, laid back but working hard to get this weight off. I'd love to be your friend. I work full time and am usually able to log my meals every day but don't always look at what everyone is saying at times. I'm married, 2 cats , no kids.Good luck on your final attempt at MFP. :) Karrie
  • kjwickman
    You sound like me, laid back but working hard to get this weight off. I'd love to be your friend. I work full time and am usually able to log my meals every day but don't always look at what everyone is saying at times. I'm married, 2 cats , no kids.Good luck on your final attempt at MFP. :) Karrie
  • Immaskinnycow
    Immaskinnycow Posts: 29 Member
    I am so there with you on the moderation and people not getting their panties knotted over a day that to them isn't enough food or too much food. Slow and steady is the best way to go. Best of luck to you. Add me if you like.