Apple cider vinegar

Has anyone tried apple cider vinegar for weight loss? I have been reading up on it and it seems to work pretty well if you can tolerate the taste. Would love to hear from people who have tried it!! Thanks! :smile:


  • nickyskins
    nickyskins Posts: 100 Member
    I mix it with apple juice.
  • Dunno- but I've been gargling w/ it for years when I get a sore throat-

    so if the weight loss part doesn't work, don't throw it out- save it for that :smile:
  • gingerninja22
    gingerninja22 Posts: 54 Member
    bump, im curious :)
  • i don't know what it has to do with weight loss, but i mix organic apple cider vinegar in with salad dressing and it's delicious :)
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I've been taking the pill form. Not sure if it's working, but someone recommended it. I wouldn't be able to mix it with my drink, as I got a taste of the pill in my mouth and nearly vomitted.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I keep meaning to try it, I actually love the taste of vinegar. I heard people say it's a natural appetite surpressant, but I haven't been hungry enough to try it yet.

    Does it have other benefits too?
  • Curious?
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Theser are some of the other benefits I have found....pretty interesting!
    Health Benefits
    1. Cholesterol Control - Increased levels of cholesterol is considered as the main reason behind heart attacks. Apple Pectin present in the Apple Cider Vinegar is basically a water soluble dietary fiber which absorbs the fats and cholesterol and then excretes it outside thus helps reducing its level.
    2. Diabetes - Apple pectin, the dietary fiber also helps in absorption of glucose, thus reducing extra amount of glucose.
    3. Arthritis - Arthritis is an inflamed condition of joints, caused by a build-up of toxic wastes in the tissues due to unhealthy life styles It has been reported that apple cider vinegar have a positive influence on the patients suffering from Arthritis.
    4. Blood pressure - The potassium present in ACV is believed to be beneficial to both the heart and blood pressure.
    5. Cold - Here it is believed that the Ph factor of ACV is instrumental. Prior to a cold, the pH of the body becomes a bit more alkaline. ACV helps to rebalance it.
    6. Constipation - Often, improper bowel movements are blamed for constipation. As in old age, there is reduction in release of digestive enzymes like pectin, hydrochloric acid; more and more toxic waste products are retained and absorbed back by the body instead of throwing them out. With apple cider vinegar diet, we add fibers like apple pectin which helps in having proper bowel movements.
    7. Diarrhea - Although, there are various reasons for diarrhea, ACV can offer a way for the body to get rid of harmful ingested compounds. The pectin in apple cider vinegar plays very important role to calm down the pain. As, the intestinal enzyme secretion transforms pectin into a kind of protective coating which pacifies the irritated inner lining of the colon.
    8. Candida - Apple Cider Vinegar can be useful in the treatments of yeast infections like Candida caused by the unbalance of acid levels in the body. Douching by making a solution of ACV in Lukewarm water can get you rid off from the symptoms.
    9. Indigestion - In intestine, Hydrochloric acid and pepsin, an enzyme are essential to proper break down the food which is then absorbed by body. Sometimes, intestine is unable to produce required amount of these enzymes which ultimately leads to the indigestion. However, ingestion of apple cider vinegar can assist in rebalancing this acidic environment and can be proved as effective medicine.
    10. Metabolism - Liver plays a crucial role in the metabolism process. If the food is not metabolized properly, it will result in the weight gain by the body. For centuries, ACV is used in assisting liver to detoxify the toxins and in helping in the digestion of rich, fatty foods, and for proper metabolizing of proteins, fats and minerals into the required byproducts.
    11. Fatigue - Due to the overexertion by muscles extra amount of Lactic acid is produced and we call the stage as fatigue. Amino acids present in the apple cider vinegar interact with this lactic acid and break them down. Moreover, potassium present in ACV helps to regain more energy and vitality.

    I keep meaning to try it, I actually love the taste of vinegar. I heard people say it's a natural appetite surpressant, but I haven't been hungry enough to try it yet.

    Does it have other benefits too?
  • I actually use apple cider vinegar as a facial toner. I wash my face with raw, organic honey...sometimes mixing in brown sugar to exfoliate, and then I use apple cider vinegar as a toner. It works wonders! And it's all natural!
  • So what's the instructions on this? How much do you drink? and how often?
  • it's worked as an appetite suppressant for me. :) if I'm still hungry after a big meal, I'll take a little swig of it right from the bottle and it works!
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I will add it to things I am cooking and preparing. I mostly use it for detox baths. Apple cider vinegar and Epsom salts. Get it really hot and jump in for as long as you take it to release toxins. I usually bring a tea in with me. Shower in cold water after and you will sleep like a baby.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    So what's the instructions on this? How much do you drink? and how often?

    1tablespoon right out the bottle, doesn't need to be in the fridge. It tastes off putting at first but not horrible. BRAGGS is the stuff you wanna get
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    apparently a couple of small capfuls of organic cider vinegar mixed with triple the amount of hot water first thing in the morning and then before every main meal, supposed to aid weight loss.

    i tried it for a while, i didnt notice a real difference to my apetite to be honest but i did feel rather cleansed. i keep meaning to try it again so will report back in a couple weeks time.

    let us know how you get on.
  • My wife and I started using Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar after we did a detox diet.
    We take a shot every night before bed.

    I'm not sure of all the weight loss benefits but its suppose to be good to detox impurities.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    There is nothing in apple cider vinegar that isn't in apple cider. This is the junkiest of all junk science quack claims, and even if it did anything, a shot ot a tablespoon or whatever wouldn't be enough. You get more in salad dressing.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    hi can i use store bought acv say frm foodtown acv? can that work?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I actually use apple cider vinegar as a facial toner. I wash my face with raw, organic honey...sometimes mixing in brown sugar to exfoliate, and then I use apple cider vinegar as a toner. It works wonders! And it's all natural!

    I rinse my hair with diluted acv. Are you by any chance familiar with crunchy betty (a natural living blog)?
  • ACV also works outside the body on unsightly warts and verrucas!!! The acid in the ACV kills off the roots!! Just cover said infliction with a small cotton ball soaked in ACV and cover that with a plaster, change daily. it will take about a week..... I got rid of mine this way after years of trying over the counter freezing kits, gels and even going to the docs to have them frozen (very painful ) This really works!!!!
  • j4zzy
    j4zzy Posts: 26 Member
    I was actually considering trying this earlier. I think I'm gonna do it.