Help getting back on track!

Im not "new" on here but I need some more buddies to help keep me on track. Starting tomorow im going to try to cut out white foods and processed junk from my diet. I know im going to need some help doing this! So feel free to add me, and I will help you out on your journey as well!!!


  • Girl you got this, I find if I stay busy and positive I can keep from snacking! As dorky as it may sound It's all mind over matter :)
  • BlueStar1989
    BlueStar1989 Posts: 130 Member
    You'll do great just keep in mind that you are not alone. Good Luck.
  • helloo would you like to join my group? well only 2 joined so far but you definitely apply.

    i posted this a while ago:
    THIS IS IT!!!!! I am sickkk of these binge eating cycles and saying i will stop when i don't!! recently i felt miserable i'm jobless as in i have nothing to do i only sit on my laptop and sleep it's extremely sad i try to take some walks but there's no motivation or friends. They live far away

    IF you want support we should be friends who ever is in this with me should be my friend not just another person on my list we need to update each other about the workouts and food intake.. set times for treats and talk about our feelings when we head for that chocolate ... why am i doing this... ? because i hate how groups mention diets and then stop connecting until the last day comes ,we need to connect during the journey on a weekly bases hey it's only 4 WEEKS! and then we can add more days depending on how well it goes. :) it depends on your weight if you lose so much i'd lose 2 pounds during a week
    if i extremely behave i really want to lose 8 pounds or 5 in a month that would be my best achievement ... WHO IS IN THIS WITH ME? WHO WILL UPDATE AND GET SERIOUS?? i want to also include running so if your in with me we can plan it of course it depends on each persons program but we should do this to stick to our plans since you'd know about mine and i would know about yours. I really need this i feel like hell especially with the media and this feeling sucks all i need is huge motivation we both win this.