Hello Hello :)

Hi Everyone!
I'm one of those people who have the best of intentions but no will power, so I'm hoping that this community will help me stick to my weight loss goals and get in better shape! Since I work from home I'm exercising from home too, so if you know about any great workout DVDs I'd love to hear about them!


  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Hey! Welcome! Many of us here are also working hard towards our goals! Feel free to add me, and we can help one another! ^_^ And when I'm not out to my fitness center for workout, I'll do it at home, and the workout DVD i'm watching is "Hip Hop Abs" It's really easy, fun and also really cardio! :) You can try it if you want.
  • lutzka1
    I work from home too. I have a treadmill that I use regularly and am just starting on using weights. I have netflix and there are workouts on there from self magazine, shape, jillian michaels, and 10 minute solutions. So there's a lot to choose from that are instant play, meaning you don't have to wait for the disc in the mail and you can try something new anytime. I like that. With winter coming, getting outdoors to do things besides shovel for exercise won't be happening. Jillian Michaels work outs are tough but I've seen reviews of her workouts, done them (just starting) and people say they see results. There's also discs from netflix you can add to your list if you want to try something that you can't find on instant play and don't want to spend the money yet. If no netflix, scope out self magazine and shape websites....they give great ideas and websites for classes via internet. Yogis anonymous is a website that gives some free yoga classes online. Hope it helps:)
  • ctprofessional
    ctprofessional Posts: 63 Member
    I LOVE my Wii fit for home exercise, its a lot of fun! I am a part time homemaker and I have found that low cal snacks divided into single servings in sandwich bags help also. Some of my faves are almonds, animal cookies, any fruit, laughing cow cheese(love the new sharp), whole grain saltines, and jello mousse temptations.

    I also make filling foods in bulk like soup or casseroles so I can feel really full.

    If I'm hungry before its time to eat then I drink a big glass of water (I was told that our body cant differentiate between hunger pains and thirst). It amazes me that it works every time!

    I know that I'm not the perfect dieter, I'm just a food addict trying to get by! Good luck!
  • Missymouse001
    Hey Ashley ~
    I use the Biggest looser yoga and Boot Camp videos. You can adjust the exercises to your ability. I alternate the two and they are working for me. I have in the past use the Tai Bo videos, but my knees won't let me do those anymore. Much more high impact, but effective if you stick to it.

    Hope this helps!